
Community Calendar

From time to time, some events list­ed in Coun­cil’s online com­mu­ni­ty cal­en­dar may be can­celled or post­poned. To con­firm, please con­tact the EVENT ORGAN­IS­ER, as stat­ed with each event list­ing, regard­ing any updates or con­fir­ma­tions. Note, ASTC is not the Event Organ­is­er, unless clear­ly brand­ed as such. 

For a full list of upcom­ing events that will fea­ture fire­work dis­plays, click here.


Upcoming Events

  1. Alice Springs Beanie Festival

    June 20th - June 23rd 2025
    Araulen Arts Centre
    Major Event

    Enjoy the thrill of the chase for that perfect beanie. 7300 handmade beanies from around the world. Live music, textile workshop, Indigenous culture, warm tucker, hot coffee a...

    Alice Springs Beanie Festival

    June 20th - June 23rd 2025

    Enjoy the thrill of the chase for that perfect beanie. 7300 handmade beanies from around the world. Live music, textile workshop, Indigenous culture, warm tucker, hot coffee and a whole lot of joy!

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