Visitor Info


For cur­rent weath­er con­di­tions and detailed fore­casts for Alice Springs, vis­it the Aus­tralian Bureau of Mete­o­rol­o­gy web­site here.

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Alice Springs is sit­u­at­ed in the mid­dle of the cen­tral Aus­tralian arid zone.

As in oth­er desert regions around the world, tem­per­a­tures in Alice can soar to over 40o Cel­sius dur­ing the sum­mer months, peak­ing mid to late Jan­u­ary with an aver­age of 36.4°C, and drop­ping to sin­gle dig­its dur­ing win­ter months (aver­age min­i­mum of 4°C in July).

Mon­soon sea­son in the far north brings some rain­fall to Alice Springs dur­ing the late sum­mer months, with a peak aver­age of 42.2mm in Feb­ru­ary, which evap­o­rates to a neg­li­gi­ble 1.1mm aver­age by August. Spec­tac­u­lar thun­der­storms in sum­mer can send a sud­den tor­rent along the ordi­nar­i­ly dry Todd Riv­er bed – a fan­tas­tic and rare oppor­tu­ni­ty for the keen photographer.

The most pop­u­lar time for trav­ellers to vis­it the red cen­tre is from autumn to spring (April to Novem­ber), when there is lit­tle chance of rain, but beau­ti­ful­ly sun­ny days with few clouds and tem­per­a­tures hov­er­ing around 25°C. Warm cloth­ing for the evening is still rec­om­mend­ed for this time of year. A hat and sun­screen is essen­tial when out­doors at any time of the year in cen­tral Australia.Alice Springs is a very dry place, so vis­i­tors may find it nec­es­sary to drink water more fre­quent­ly – it is always a good idea to car­ry a water bot­tle with you, wher­ev­er you go. Sug­ary drinks and alco­hol do not have the same hydrat­ing effects as plain water, which is best – tap water in Alice is entire­ly safe to drink.

Alice locals gen­er­al­ly avoid being out­side for pro­longed peri­ods when it’s very hot and will gath­er at shop­ping cen­tres, the town pool or the pub­lic library to cool off. Vis­i­tors may find the CBD quite emp­ty of peo­ple on a 40°C day.