Alice Springs Public Library

Regular Programs

Open­ing Hours:

đ— đ—Œđ—»đ—±đ—źđ˜† đ˜đ—Œ đ—™đ—żđ—¶đ—±đ—źđ˜† – 10am – 6pm

đ—Šđ—źđ˜đ˜‚đ—żđ—±đ—źđ˜† & đ—Šđ˜‚đ—»đ—±đ—źđ˜† – 10am – 1pm

Call us on 8950 0555, email library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au or fol­low us on Face­book @ASPLibrary
For tick­ets to cur­rent Library events vis­it aspl​.eventbrite​.com​.au

Chess Club

Join us for Chess Club at the Library every Sun­day from 10 – 12pm Sharp­en your strate­gic skills, meet fel­low enthu­si­asts and enjoy a friend­ly game of chess. All skills lev­els are wel­come. See you there!

Did You Know?

Chess stim­u­lates the pre­frontal cor­tex and spurs growth in neur­al path­ways, help­ing young play­ers devel­op plan­ning, rea­son­ing, and per­cep­tion skills ear­li­er than kids who don’t play chess.

When play­ing chess, your brain will be chal­lenged to exer­cise log­ic, devel­op pat­tern recog­ni­tion, make deci­sions both visu­al­ly and ana­lyt­i­cal­ly, and test your memory.

Chess can be enjoyed at any age – as a result, these brain exer­cis­es can be part of your life­long health regimen!

Read. Write. Chat

» Improve your read­ing and writ­ing.
» If you are learn­ing Eng­lish, prac­tice con­ver­sa­tion skills.
» Meet with a tutor in a pri­vate meet­ing room at the Library.
» One-hour ses­sions, once a week.
» We try to find a time which suits you.

FREE | For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please con­tact us via library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au or 8950 0555

One on One Tech Help

Alice Springs Pub­lic Library is now offer­ing one on one tech help ses­sions. These ses­sions will pro­vide basic tech­nol­o­gy sup­port. This includes: Â» Using a smart phone, tablet, lap­top and com­put­er Â» Down­load­ing and using apps Â» Call­ing, mes­sag­ing and email­ing Â» Use social media Â» Tak­ing and shar­ing pho­tos Â» Using gov­ern­ment web­sites Â» Down­load­ing eBooks and eAudiobooks

Ses­sions are by appoint­ment only. Call, email or drop in to the library and speak with a mem­ber of staff to arrange a session.

    FREE | For fur­ther infor­ma­tion please con­tact us via library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au or 8950 0555