Animal Management

Animal Shelter

Open hours:

Thurs­days & Fri­days: 10am-3pm

Sat­ur­days: 10am-2pm

*** Closed on pub­lic holidays ***

As of August 2024, Alice Springs Town Coun­cil began pro­vid­ing ani­mal shel­ter ser­vices for the ben­e­fit of our community.

Out­side the reg­u­lar Open Hours, please con­tact the Ani­mal Shel­ter on 08 7902 1100 to dis­cuss alter­na­tives as we focus on reunit­ing lost and found pets, car­ing for and rehom­ing stray animals.

Lost a pet?

If you’ve lost your pet and want to see if it’s at the shel­ter you can email a pho­to of your lost pet to animalshelter@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au with your name and con­tact infor­ma­tion. A mem­ber of our Shel­ter Team will then have a look and ensure that we’re keep­ing an eye out. 

Found a pet?

Call the Ranger Unit on (08) 8950 0500 to organ­ise col­lec­tion. If you wish to drop it off at the Ani­mal Shel­ter your­self, please call (08) 7902 1100 pri­or to ensure there is some­one onsite to meet you.

Want to adopt a pet?

If you’re look­ing for a fur­ev­er friend, you can vis­it us dur­ing our open­ing hours list­ed above. We have a wide vari­ety of cats and dogs that are look­ing for lov­ing homes. 

Con­tact Details

Address: Len Kit­tle Dri­ve, Alice Springs
Con­tact Num­ber: (08) 7902 1100
Email Address: animalshelter@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au