Waste & Recycling

Pensioner Green Waste Collection

If you are an aged pen­sion­er and have green waste and clip­pings to remove from your yard, Coun­cil offers a FREE col­lec­tion ser­vice for senior res­i­dents in May and Novem­ber of each year.

To reg­is­ter for a col­lec­tion just down­load the appli­ca­tion form, as shown below, and return the com­plet­ed form before the clos­ing date before each collection.

Appli­ca­tions close the Fri­day before each col­lec­tion date.

Dates for 2024

Col­lec­tion from Tues­day 21st of May until Fri­day the 24th of May – with the appli­ca­tions clos­ing Wednes­day the 15th of May

Col­lec­tion from Tues­day 12th of Novem­ber until Fri­day the 15th of Novem­ber – with appli­ca­tions clos­ing Wednes­day the 6th of November

Appli­ca­tion forms can be lodged at the Civic Cen­tre front desk, 93 Todd Street, or by post to:

ASTC, PO Box 1071, Alice Springs NT 0871

Evi­dence of aged pen­sion­er sta­tus (enti­tle­ment to the ser­vice) is required at the time of lodgment.

If you have any oth­er enquiries regard­ing this free ser­vice, please con­tact Alice Springs Town Coun­cil on (08) 8950 0500, 8.30am-5pm Mon­day to Fri­day.