Council Events

Citizenship Ceremonies

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil con­ducts Cit­i­zen­ship Cer­e­monies each year on:

  • Aus­tralia Day, January
  • Har­mo­ny Day, March
  • Ter­ri­to­ry Day, July
  • Nation­al Cit­i­zen­ship Day, September

In 2024 we host cer­e­monies on: 26 Jan­u­ary (Aus­tralia Day), 21 March (Har­mo­ny Day), 1 July (Ter­ri­to­ry Day), 13 Septem­ber (Cit­i­zen­ship Day). 

For infor­ma­tion on becom­ing an Aus­tralian Cit­i­zen and your cer­e­mo­ny date, please con­tact the Fed­er­al Government’s Depart­ment of Home Affairs.

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil facil­i­tate cer­e­monies four times a year. The peo­ple of Alice Springs are invit­ed to observe Cit­i­zen­ship Cer­e­mo­ny pro­ceed­ings, admin­is­tered by the May­or at the Civic Cen­tre. Cur­rent cit­i­zens can cel­e­brate being an Aus­tralian at Affir­ma­tion Cer­e­monies held at the con­clu­sion of each cit­i­zen­ship program.

Depart­ment of Home Affairs nom­i­nates cer­e­mo­ny dates for those who are receiv­ing cit­i­zen­ship. To enquire on your cer­e­mo­ny date, con­tact Immi­gra­tion Office.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion on Cit­i­zen­ship Cer­e­monies, con­tact Coun­cil on 8950 050


Next upcom­ing Cit­i­zen­ship Cer­e­mo­ny is on Thurs­day 1 July 2024- Ter­ri­to­ry Day

Arrivals & Seat­ing: To be confirmed

Cer­e­mo­ny start: To be confirmed

End approx.: To be confirmed

Loca­tion: To be confirmed