Resident Info



Alice Springs Aquatic and Leisure Centre

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
31 3 Month Membership (Adult) $182 Yes
33 3 Month Membership (Children - Under 16 years old ) $102 Yes
32 3 Month Membership (Concession - Pensioner / Veterans / Students) $102 Yes
34 3 Month Membership (Family) $342.50 Yes
12 5 years to 16 years old - Admission Fee $5 Yes
10 Admission (Adult) $8 Not applicable
24 ASALC provided School Swimming - Per Student, including instructor and lane hire $8.50 Not applicable
55 ASALC Training Room Hire - Cleaning fee (if required) $57.50 Yes
53 ASALC Training Room Hire - Full day (Monday to Sunday per 8 hours) $137.50 Yes
54 ASALC Training Room Hire - Full weekend (Saturday and Sunday per 16 hours) $275 Yes
52 ASALC Training Room Hire - Short Term (Per hour) $29 Yes
35 Centre-based Programs (Adult) $15.50 Yes
36 Centre-based Programs (Concession) $10.50 Yes
42 Commercial Users Hire of entire pool - 50m/25m/Indoor LTS /Outdoor LTS (per hour) - not including lifeguard costs. Fee per hour $253.50 Yes
48 Commercial Users Hire of half pool - 50m/25m/Indoor LTS /Outdoor LTS (per hour) - not including lifeguard costs $92 Yes
20 Early Morning Admission (6am to 8.30am) (Adults) $5.50 Yes
22 Early Morning Admission (6am to 8.30am) (Children (5-16yrs) $3.50 Yes
23 Early Morning Admission (6am to 8.30am) (Children under 5yrs) FREE Not applicable
21 Early Morning Admission (6am to 8.30am) (Concession - Pensioner / Veterans / Students) $3.50 Yes
14 Family Admission Fee (2 adults, 2 Children) $20 Yes
61 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Administration fee $6 Yes
56 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Adult $29 Yes
58 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Child $16.50 Yes
57 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Concession $16.50 Yes
60 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Dishonour fee $7 Yes
59 Fornightly Direct Debit Memberships - Family $51.50 Yes
27 Full Year Membership - Adult $628.50 Yes
29 Full Year Membership - Children - Under16 years old $314.90 Yes
28 Full Year Membership - Concession - Pensioner / Veterans / Students $331 Yes
30 Full Year Membership - Family $1,085.50 Yes
39 Hire - Lane / Pool space hire - per hour - Commercial users $28 Yes
38 Hire - Lane / Pool space hire - per hour - Non-commercial users $5.50 Yes
50 Hire of Inflatable Obstacle Course (Min 2 Hours) - Not including minimum 2 lifeguard per hour $114.50 Yes
49 Hire of Slides (Min 2 Hours) - Not including minimum 1 lifeguard per hour $57.50 Yes
25 Independent school swimming - Per student, not including instructor and lane hire $3.50 Not applicable
37 Learn to Swim - Per session, paid by term - including admission fee $21 Yes
45 Learn to Swim - Private Lesson $45 Yes
51 Learn to Swim instructor POA Yes
44 Lifeguard POA Yes
40 Non-Commercial Users - Hire of entire pool - 50m/25m/Indoor LTS /Outdoor LTS (per hour) - not including lifeguard costs $65 Yes
47 Non-Commercial Users Hire of half pool - 50m/25m/Indoor LTS /Outdoor LTS (per hour) - not including lifeguard costs $18.50 Yes
11 Pensioner / Veterans / Students $5 Yes
26 School Swimming (Spectator) FREE Not applicable
43 Special Events Hire p/hr (whole facility closed to public) (Monday to Friday ) POA Not applicable
43 Special Events Hire p/hr (whole facility closed to public) (Saturday and Sunday ) Not including lifeguard costs POA Not applicable
16 Swim Cards 10 Entry (Adult) $68 Yes
18 Swim Cards 10 Entry (Children - Under 16 years old ) $38 Yes
17 Swim Cards 10 Entry (Concession - Pensioner / Veterans / Students) $38 Yes
19 Swim Cards 10 Entry (Family) $171 Yes
41 Swimming Carnival (facility closed to public) $141.50 Yes
46 Vacation Care Program (full day) $69 Yes


Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
197 Annual Declaration Fee (Declared Dog) $160 Not applicable
197 Annual Registration Fee -Renewal- Pensioner Concession (Entire Dog/Cat) $77 Not applicable
197 Annual Registration Fee -Renewal- Pensioner Concession (Sterilised Dog/Cat) $26.50 Not applicable
197 Annual Registration Fee -Renewal-(Entire Dog/Cat) $161.50 Not applicable
197 Annual Registration Fee -Renewal-(Sterilised Dog/Cat) $58.50 Not applicable
139 Kennel Licence - Renewal- (Pensioner Fee) $77 Not applicable
132 Kennel Licence-Renewal- (Standard Fee) $205.50 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee (Entire Dog/Cat - registered with microchip.) $348 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee (Sterilised Dog/Cat - registered with microchip.) $155 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee - Aged entire dog/cat with microchip $174 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee - Aged sterilised dog/cat with microchip $78 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee - Pensioner Concession - Entire dog /cat registered with microchip $161.50 Not applicable
197 Lifetime Registration Fee - Pensioner Concession - Sterilised dog/cat registered with microchip $72.50 Not applicable
197 Microchip Implant - Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs & Therapy Dogs No Charge Not applicable
197 Microchip Implant Service - Only if trained staff available. $31 Not applicable
197 New Annual Registration Fee - Entire dog/cat per month from date of application to 30 June $14 Not applicable
197 New Annual Registration Fee - Pensioner Concession - Entire dog/cat per month from date of application to 30 June $7 Not applicable
197 New Annual Registration Fee - Pensioner Concession - Sterilised dog/cat per month from date of application to 30 June $3 Not applicable
197 New Annual Registration Fee - Sterilised dog/cat per month from date of application to 30 June $5.50 Not applicable
139 New Kennel Licence - Pensioner fee from date of application to 30 June $7 Not applicable
139 New Kennel Licence - Standard fee per month from date of application to 30 June $17.50 Not applicable
195 Pound Release Fees (Dogs and cats - registered animal on impoundment. Includes sustenance for first 48 hrs.) $154 Not applicable
196 Pound Release Fees (Dogs and cats - unregistered animal on impoundment. Includes sustenance for first 48 hrs.) $312.50 Not applicable
134 Pound Release Fees (Other animals on impoundment.) $185 Not applicable
197 Registration Transfer Fee $22 Not applicable
130 Reimbursement for services rendered - Rangers At cost Yes
199 Sustenance for dogs & cats- Incurred after 48 hours- per day. $25 Yes
143 Sustenance for other animals (inc live stock) - Incurred after 48 hours - per day $41 Yes
197 Transfer of Lifetime Registration from another Council of a Dog/Cat fitted with Implant $57 Not applicable

Burial Fees

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
310 Additional Interment into Niche Wall/Rose Garden (Excludes Plaque) $425 Yes
321 Adult - Burial Fee 1st or 2nd Interment $1,277 Yes
320 Adult - Plot (If exclusive right of burial, payment is required on application. To be held for 20 years only. Non transferable) $2,055.50 Yes
306 Child - Burial Fee (From 1 year to 12 years of age at the time of death) $1,042.50 Yes
307 Child - Burial Fee (Up to 1 year old) $425 Yes
304 Child - Plot (Up to 1 year old) $425 Yes
305 Child Plot Fees (single grave from 1 year to 12 years of age at the time of death) $1,277 Yes
329 Council research services - Complex per hour - Minimum of 1 hour $66.50 Yes
Council research services - one item - no charge No charge Not applicable
328 Council research services - six to ten items $15.50 Yes
327 Council research services - two to five items $11.50 Yes
314 Extra lines of text for Plaque - Per line $18.50 Yes
323 Interment of Ashes - Without Plaque $425 Yes
309 Large Bronze Plaque 280mm x 380mm (8 lines of text) includes installation $715.50 Yes
313 Medium Bronze Plaque 305mm x 230mm (8 lines of text) includes installation $479.50 Yes
322 Niche Wall/Rose Garden - 1st Interment of ashes with Standard Plaque $1,244 Yes
308 Standard bronze plaque 145mm x 115mm (8 lines of text) includes installation $316 Yes

Burial Fees, Other Charges

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
326 Council Exhumation Fee $4,488.50 Yes
319 Council Exhumation Fee - Niche Wall / Rose Garden $226 Yes
325 Exclusive Right of Burial Administration fee $127.50 Not applicable
13 Exclusive Right of Burial Certificate Application fee $12.50 Not applicable
173 Headstone Application Fee Including Permit $127.50 Yes
316 Hire of Chapel - (Up to 4 Hours) $485.50 Yes
318 Interstate Undertaker's Licence to conduct funeral - Annual licence fee $583 Yes
315 Out of Hours Service. Per hour, minimum 4 hours. (2 Staff) $971 Yes
37 Replacement of an Exclusive Right of Burial Certificate $1.50 Not applicable
317 Undertaker's Licence to conduct funerals $12.50 Not applicable

Civic Centre Public Toilets

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
63 Shower $7 Yes
64 Shower - including towel and soap $14.00 Yes

Development Assessment Fees

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
3 Additional Site Visits (Fee per hour) $254 Not applicable
3 Commercial / Industrial Development Fee - Additional fee if infrastructure is to be handed over to Council 0.85% of value of infrastructure being handed to Council Yes
3 Commercial / Industrial Development Fee - Per Application (includes up to 6 visits) $1,522.50 Not applicable
3 Development Assessment Fee - Permit Variations, Alteration Permits, Change of Use, Assessment of Amended Design Drawings, Community Facilities (fee per hour) $254 Not applicable
3 In addition to the above, Complex Subdivisions requiring engineering assessment and approvals will be charged by the estimated hour (fee per hour) $254 Not applicable
3 Multiple Dwelling - Including up to 2 site visits (1 to 4 units - per Application) $1,015.50 Not applicable
3 Multiple Dwelling - Including up to 2 site visits (5 or more units - per Application) $1,269 Not applicable
3 Single Dwelling - Plan Approval & Inspection Fee - Including up to 2 site visits (Per Application) $381.50 Not applicable
3 Subdivision - Greenfield and Brownfield - Subdivision Part 5 Inspection Fee 0.75% of value of infrastructure being handed to Council Not applicable
3 Subdivision - Greenfield and Brownfield - Subdivision Plan Approval Fee 0.75% of value of infrastructure being handed to Council Not applicable
3 Subdivision/ Consolidation without construction and handover of infrastructure $254 Not applicable
3 Unit Titles/ Consolidation/ Subdivision application accompanying a Multiple Dwelling application (requesting clearance) within 12 months post Part 5 clearance for recent development (per Application) $254 Not applicable
3 Unit Titles/ Consolidation/ Subdivision application for Multiple Dwelling application (requesting clearance) after 12 months post Part 5 clearance for recent development (per Application) $507.50 Not applicable

Electronic Payments

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
312 Fee for tracing of bank transaction At cost Yes
312 Payment made by credit card - No Surcharge/no fee No Charge Yes
312 Payment made by debit card - No Surcharge/no fee No Charge Yes

Hire of Council Facilities

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
22 Andy McNeill Room (Commercial users (entrance fee charged). 8 hrs or longer fee per day.) $661.50 Yes
30 Andy McNeill Room (Commercial users (entrance fee charged). Evening (5:00pm-11:00pm) Includes tea/coffee facilities.) $364.50 Yes
20 Andy McNeill Room (Commercial users (entrance fee charged). Half Day Rate.(Four hours) Includes tea/coffee facilities.) $364.50 Yes
21 Andy McNeill Room (Non-commercial users (no entrance fee charged). 8 hrs or longer fee per day.) $583 Yes
31 Andy McNeill Room (Non-commercial users (No Entrance fee charged). Evening (5:00pm-11:00pm.) Includes tea/coffee facilities.) $330.50 Yes
19 Andy McNeill Room (Non-commercial users (No Entrance fee charged). Half Day (Four Hours) Includes tea/coffee facilities.) $330.50 Yes
27 Andy McNeill Room - Alarm Violation Fee Forfeiture of cleaning deposit Not applicable
9 Andy McNeill Room - Key deposit (Refundable). GST Applies to forfeiture of deposit $231.00 Yes
Andy McNeill Room - Whiteboard FREE Not applicable
28 Andy McNeill Room Booking Cancellation Fee (if cancelled within 7 Days of Event). Full Hire fee will be charged Yes
29 Andy McNeill Room Booking Cancellation Fee (if cancelled within 8-14 Days of Event). 25% of hire fee will be charged Yes
8 Cleaning and Security Deposits all facilities $410.50 Yes
14 Council Lawns - Hire $109 Yes

Hire of Ovals and Grounds

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
95 Albrecht Oval - all users - per day $203 Yes
39 Albrecht Oval Bill Waudby Pavilion - all users - per day $243 Yes
41 Flynn Oval - Lighting Recover actual Fees incurred At cost Not applicable
42 Flynn Oval - Oval Hire Per Day $203 Yes
58 Grassed Hockey Field Hire - Per Day $161 Yes
38 Jim McConville Oval (Oval hire per day) $203 Yes
43 Jim McConville Oval - Cricket Nets Hire per day $149 Yes
45 Jim McConville Oval - Softball / Baseball Diamonds Hire per day $170.50 Yes
9 Key deposits - all facilities $231 Yes
44 Rhonda Diano Oval (Oval hire per day) $203 Yes
48 Ross Park - Cricket Nets Hire - Per Day $149 Yes
40 Ross Park - Main Oval - hire - Per Day - Lighting not included $407 Yes
47 Ross Park - Soccer Oval Hire - Per day $203 Not applicable
51 Ross Park Hire Ligting Recover actual Fees incurred At Cost Yes
52 Sadadeen Oval - Cricket nets hire - per day $149 Yes
46 Sadadeen Oval - per day $161 Yes
55 TIO Traeger Park Grandstand (Per day 1st & 2nd floor only) $203 Yes
60 TIO Traeger Park Grandstand (Per day full grandstand) $503.50 Yes
33 TIO Traeger Park Grandstand (Per day ground floor only) $303.50 Yes
59 TIO Traeger Park Oval (Lighting Recover actual Fees incurred) At cost Not applicable
56 TIO Traeger Park Oval (Oval hire per day) $503.50 Yes
57 TIO Traeger Park Oval - Cricket Nets Hire - Per Day $173 Yes
61 TIO Traeger Park Oval - Lyel Kempster Baseball Diamond Per day $219 Yes
62 TIO Traeger Park Oval - Mona's Lounge - Per day $667.50 Yes

Hire of Plant and Equipment

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
71 Bunting - Refundable Deposit $200.00 Yes
65 Fixed Grandstands - Hire fee per day $282 Yes
66 Fixed Grandstands - Hire fee per half day $164.50 Yes
67 Fixed Grandstands - Refundable Deposit $648 Yes
75 Mobile Toilet - Refundable Deposit $693 Yes
3 Mobile Toilet Large - Hire Fee $598.50 Yes
3 Mobile Toilet Small - Hire Fee $364.50 Yes
3 Reimbursement for services rendered - Plant & equipment - For any CCS works performed At cost Yes
3 Reimbursement for services rendered - Plant & equipment - For any Depot work performed At cost Yes

Library Fees

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
138 Inter - Library Loan Request Fee from Public Library $19.50 Yes
138 Inter - Library loan request from a non-public library At Cost Not applicable
141 Internet Usage Fees (service provided free for Library Members) - per 15 minutes No Charge Yes
141 Internet Usage Fees (service provided free for Library Members) - per 25 minutes No Charge Yes
141 Internet Usage Fees (service provided free for Library Members) - per 55 minutes No Charge Yes
142 Library Programs and Events At Cost Yes
165 Library Replacement Member Card $6.50 Yes
167 Lost or Damaged Items At Cost Yes
330 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Commercial users - Full day rate (8 hours) $303.50 Yes
330 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Commercial users - Half day rate (4 hours) $182.50 Yes
330 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Commercial users - Per hour $49 Yes
332 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Extra Cleaning following hire of room $118.50 Yes
334 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Lost or damaged equipment/property Cost of replacement Yes
331 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Non Commercial users - Full day rate (8 hours or more) $121.50 Yes
331 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Non Commercial users - Half day rate (4 hours) $73 Yes
331 Multi-Purpose Room hire - Non Commercial users - Per hour $25.50 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Double sided A3 (Colour) - Cost per side) $6.50 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Double sided A3 - Cost per side $1.30 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Double sided A4 (Colour) - Cost per side) $3.20 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Double sided A4 - Cost per side $0.60 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Single sided A3 (Colour) - Cost per page) $3.50 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Single sided A3 - Cost per page) $0.75 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Single sided A4 (Colour) - Cost per page) $1.75 Yes
137 Photocopying and printing (Single sided A4 - Cost per page) $0.40 Yes
141 Wi-fi Service within Library - 2 Hour Limit No charge Yes

Other Charges

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
154 Dishonour Fee - Cheques / Direct Debits $36 Yes
193 Town Crier - fee per hour $82.50 Yes

Permits - Public Places

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
172 Alfresco Cafes, fee per sq. m per week. FREE Not applicable
16 Public Places - a community organisation to conduct a public meeting, entertainment activity, and organised recreation. The fee amount is determined by the type and class of permit, and the period required by the permit $109 Not applicable
16 Public Places - A Frame - One per business. Permit required by Part 2.4 By-law 25 of the Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) By-laws 2009. No Charge Not applicable
16 Public Places - any other permit referred to by the By-law, permit fee. Any other permit required by the Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) 2009 By-law. $109 Not applicable
18 Public Places - stallholders includes food vans. Applies to stallholders for permit required by Part 2.3 of the Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) By-law 2009. (Stallholder fee $120.20 per month or $360.50 per 3 months) $379 Not applicable
23 Public Places - to conduct a public meeting, entertainment activity, and organised recreation, fee per day. $169 Not applicable

Permits - Todd Mall

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
220 Christmas Markets Stall - 3m x 3m (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
221 Christmas Markets Stall - 3m x 3m. Powered (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
222 Christmas Markets Stall - 6m x 3m. Powered (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
217 Night Markets Stall - 3m x 3m (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
218 Night Markets Stall - 3m x 3m. Powered (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
219 Night Markets Stall - 6m x 3m. Powered (rounded to the nearest whole dollar) No Charge Not applicable
53 Painting Seller's Permit for Flynn Church Lawns. Fee per 3 months $58.50 Not applicable
16 Public Places - any other permit referred to by the By-law, permit fee. Any other permit required by the Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) 2009 By-law. 103.50 Not applicable
168 Sunday Markets, fee per market day. Permit required by Part 2.3 By-Law 18 of Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) By-Law 2009. $150 Not applicable

Publications and FOI

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
73 Information Act - Advance Deposit - 25% of Estimated Costs At Cost Not applicable
69 Information Act - Application - Dealing with application per hour $25 Not applicable
187 Information Act - Application - Per Application $30 Not applicable
70 Information Act - Application - Supervision Access per Hour $25 Not applicable
72 Information Act - Delivery, Package & Post At Cost Not applicable
96 Information Act - Photocopying - (Other than B&W A4 size) At Cost Not applicable
186 Information Act - Photocopying - (Per B&W A4 size) $0.20 Not applicable
133 Information Act - Photocopying per hour $25 Not applicable
Municipal Plan and/or Annual Report no charge Not applicable


Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
185 Cost of collecting outstanding debts at cost Yes
185 Interest charged on outstanding debt balances 9% Yes
26 Provision of Written Confirmation (Owners Details) $13.50 Yes
146 Rates search fees includes search certifcate. For each property with the written request in the required format. 24 hour proir noticed required $65.50 Yes
2 Rates search fees includes Search Certificate. For each property with the written request in the required format. Same day $130 Yes
7 Reprint of Rate notice - Current year $18.00 Yes
147 Reprint of Rate notice - Prior year - Per Copy $24 Yes

Regional Waste Management Facility Fees

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
3 Commercial vehicles including flatbed and dual axle vehicles, vans and caged trailers will be weighed & charged at the rate of $146.00 per tonne. $153.50 Not applicable
3 Disposal of all tyres (not mining/industrial truck tyres) Fee per tonne $1,179.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Bitumen - Fee per tonne $154 Yes
3 Disposal of car and motor cycle tyres $40 Yes
3 Disposal of car batteries - Residential/Commercial No charge Yes
3 Disposal of Cardboard - Commercial - Fee per car boot No Charge Yes
3 Disposal of Cardboard - Commercial - Fee Per Tonne $97.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Cardboard - Commercial - Handling fee for contaminated or un-sorted cardboard $61 Yes
3 Disposal of Cardboard - Residential No Charge Not applicable
3 Disposal of Chemicals $10.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Chemicals - Large Containers $31.50 Yes
3 Disposal of clean fill & rocks < 10cm No charge Not applicable
3 Disposal of clean fill & rocks > 10cm / demolition / Metals / Timber /concrete (per tonne) $154 Yes
3 Disposal of confidential information/asbestos/contaminants. 24 hours notice is required at the Landfill. A minimum charge of $358.50 applies. Fee per tonne within Alice Springs $358.50 Yes
3 Disposal of confidential information/asbestos/contaminants. 24 hours notice is required at the Landfill. A minimum charge of $695.50 applies. Fee per tonne outside from Alice Springs. $695.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Dirty fill & rocks > 10cm / demolition / concrete /Metals/Timber(per ton) $173.50 Yes
3 Disposal of E-Waste - Residential/Commercial - Greater than 40kg - fee per kilogram No Charge Yes
3 Disposal of E-Waste. Mobile phones, digital cameras & iPods. Free as per Council decision 14861 No charge Not applicable
3 Disposal of Gas Bottles $65 Yes
3 Disposal of general waste - Commercial. Per tonne $153.50 Yes
3 Disposal of general waste, Fee per 1.8m by 1.2m single axle box trailer with no caged sides, small utility (Holden or Ford size) - Non-commercial. $15 Yes
3 Disposal of general waste, Fee per car boot / station wagon / domestic car - Non-commercial - Commercial fee will apply if buliding materials are present or if in a commercial vechicle $5.50 Yes
3 Disposal of General Waste-For rural residents-Fee per bin $2.50 Yes
3 Disposal of green waste - Commercial - Per tonne $77.00 Yes
3 Disposal of green waste - Residential No charge Not applicable
3 Disposal of large animals by burial (over 25Kg) $85.50 Yes
3 Disposal of large truck tyres (not mining/industrial truck tyres) $97.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Mattress/Couch- Double - Fee per item $43 Yes
3 Disposal of Mattress/Couch- Singe-Fee per item $21 Yes
3 Disposal of Rocks / Soil Contaminated - Outside Alice Springs - Fee per tonne $695.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Rocks / Soil Contaminated - Within Alice Springs - Fee per tonne $349.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Shredded Tyres $154 Yes
3 Disposal of small animals by burial (under 25Kg) $42 Yes
3 Disposal of small truck tyres $59.50 Yes
3 Disposal of Whitegoods - No CFC - Must come with certificate of de-gassing. Fee per item. $15 Yes
3 Disposal of Whitegoods - No CFC. Must come with certificate of de-gassing. Fee per tonne. $127 Yes
3 Disposal of Whitegoods - With CFC $81 Yes
3 Fluorescent light bulbs (unbroken) - Commercial No Charge Yes
3 Fluorescent light bulbs, HID lamps (unbroken) - Residential No charge Not applicable
3 Food surrender - 4 hours notice is required at the RWMF for burial- Fee per tonne $351.50 Not applicable
3 Free Drop-off for Whitegoods at the RWMF - 1st Saturday of every month. No Charge Yes
3 Handling fee for contaminated Commercial green waste/unsorted greenwaste $37 Yes
3 HID lamp (unbroken) - Commercial. Fee per item. $1.50 Yes
3 Liquid Waste - Fee per tonne $154 Yes
3 Mulch Delivery Cost $24 Yes
3 Sale of Firewood-Fee per tonne $115.50 Yes
3 Sale of Firewood. Cost per ute load. $28 Yes
3 Sale of Glass- Fee per 6m3 $481.50 Yes
3 Sale of Mulch-Fee per 1m3 $35.50 Yes
3 Sale of Mulch-Fee per 6m3 $208 Yes
3 Sale of Processed Glass - Non Commercial - fee per kilogram $2 Yes
3 Sale of Processed Glass - Non Commercial-Fee per tonne $81 Yes
3 Sale of Rocks-Fee per tonne $118.50 Yes

Roads, Verges and Parking

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
161 Central Area Parking Contribution - CBD area - per bay $6,830.00 Not applicable
Disability Parking Permits - Individuals $10 Not applicable
Disability Parking Permits-Organisations $15 Not applicable
15 Erection of a sign - advertising hoardings / erection of a sign, permit fee. All signs visible from a public place. Permit required by Part 2.4 of Alice Springs (Management of Public Places) By-Law 2009 $212.50 Not applicable
76 Hartley Street Car Park Permit, fee per year. Limited number of permits available. $502 Not applicable
159 Road Closure - Permit fee (Once off charge to cover costs) $212.50 Not applicable
160 Road Works (Road Opening)All work within or adjacent to Council controlled road requiring traffic management plan - may include road closure. $212.50 Not applicable
149 Rural Road Reserve. All work within or upon the verge on a Council controlled road in a rural or rural living zone. $212.50 Not applicable
150 Stormwater Discharge. All stormwater related trenching and pipework within a Council controlled road reserve. $212.50 Not applicable
148 Vehicle Crossover All driveway construction within a Council controlled road reserve. $212.50 Not applicable
148 Verge Landscaping-All landscaping within or upon the verge on a Council controlled road. No charge Not applicable

Shopping Trolleys

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
98 To release an impounded Shopping Trolley $196.50 Not applicable

Vehicles, Abandoned

Code Title Fee GST Inclusive
177 Abandoned Vehicles Release Fees - Vehicles <4.5 GVM and <7.5 metres in length $398.50 Yes
176 Abandoned Vehicles Release Fees - Vehicles >4.5 GVM and >7.5 metres in length $647.50 Yes
178 Abandoned Vehicles Storage Fees - All Vehicles <4.5 GVM and <7.5 metres in length $8 Yes
171 Abandoned Vehicles Storage Fees - All Vehicles >4.5 GVM and >7.5 metres in length $39.00 Yes
177 Abandoned Vehicles Towing Fee - Vehicles <4.5 GVM and <7.5 metres in length. For delivery of unregistered and/or unroadworthy vehicle to address in the jurisdiction of the Alice Springs Town Council. $140.50 Yes
179 Vehicles < 4.5 GVM & <7.5 metres in length $518.50 Yes