
Community Calendar

From time to time, some events list­ed in Coun­cil’s online com­mu­ni­ty cal­en­dar may be can­celled or post­poned. To con­firm, please con­tact the EVENT ORGAN­IS­ER, as stat­ed with each event list­ing, regard­ing any updates or con­fir­ma­tions. Note, ASTC is not the Event Organ­is­er, unless clear­ly brand­ed as such. 

For a full list of upcom­ing events that will fea­ture fire­work dis­plays, click here.


Upcoming Events

  1. 2024 Alice Springs Masters Games

    Oct 12th - Oct 19th 2024
    Various Locations around Alice Springs
    Major Event
    From $70 depending on Sports participating

    The ASMG is Australia’s longest running Masters Games event. The goal of the Games is to encourage participation in sport throughout life. Competition and camaraderie are equ...

    2024 Alice Springs Masters Games

    Oct 12th - Oct 19th 2024

    The ASMG is Australia’s longest running Masters Games event. The goal of the Games is to encourage participation in sport throughout life. Competition and camaraderie are equally celebrated. The games will showcase competition of a range of sports and sporting facilities and feature the much loved social program. Participants compete with no qualifying standards or times to enter. The only criterion for entry is a minimum age for each sport, which for the majority is 30 years of age.

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