Aquatic & Leisure Centre

Learn to Swim

Click here to access our online enrol­ment portal

LTS Online Portal

Click here for our instruc­tions on how to enrol online

Online Enrolment Instruction Booklet

You’re nev­er too young or old to learn to swim! Alice Springs Aquat­ic and Leisure Cen­tre (ASALC) is proud­ly an AUSTSWIM Accred­it­ed Cen­tre which adheres to the high­est stan­dards of teach­ing and devel­op­ment of swim­ming and water safe­ty skills.

Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre is proud to be a Swim and Sur­vive Part­ner, work­ing with Roy­al Life Sav­ing to make com­mu­ni­ties safer around water. As part of our Part­ner­ship, we offer Swim and Sur­vive as our core water safe­ty edu­ca­tion pro­gram for chil­dren. Swim and Sur­vive is a broad bal­anced swim­ming and water safe­ty pro­gram of Roy­al Life Sav­ing that is aligned to the Nation­al Swim­ming and Water Safe­ty Frame­work. Swim and Sur­vive focus­es on swim­ming, per­son­al sur­vival skills, basic res­cue and water safe­ty knowl­edge to pro­vide chil­dren with sol­id foun­da­tion skills to safe­ly enjoy a life­time of aquat­ic recre­ation. Swim and Sur­vive pro­vides a path­way for ongo­ing learn­ing and devel­op­ment and is designed to keep chil­dren engaged, active­ly learn­ing and most impor­tant­ly, hav­ing fun along the way. 

Our pro­gram is bro­ken up into three groups: 

  1. Lit­tle Won­ders 1 – 4Water famil­iari­sa­tion and intro­duc­tion to swim­ming and water safe­ty for swim­mers aged 6 months to 4 years. Lev­els are age based and all stu­dents will have a super­vis­ing adult in the water with them.
  2. Lev­els 01 – Bronze Star: Inde­pen­dent swim­mers from ages 4 to 17 years old. Stu­dents will expe­ri­ence swim­ming, water safe­ty and sur­vival aspects in every level.
  3. Adults: For swim­mers 18 years and old­er. Begin­ner, Inter­me­di­ate and Stroke Correction/​Technique class­es available.

    Learn to Swim Cal­en­dar 2025

    Please con­tact ASALC for Learn to Swim enrol­ment queries.

    Term Dates

    Term 1

    1 February - 5 April

    Term 2

    22 April - 22 June

    July School Holiday Intensive

    8 - 12 July

    Term 3

    15 July - 22 September

    October School Holiday Intensive

    30 September - 4 October

    Term 4

    7 October - 7 December

    Pro­gram Fees

    Pro­gram fees are paid upfront at the time of book­ing as per the pro­gram poli­cies. Fees vary from pro­gram to pro­gram depend­ing on the num­ber of lessons. Vouch­ers accept­ed at time of pay­ment. All lessons are 30 min­utes duration.

    Group Les­son: $21.00/lesson
    Pri­vate Les­son: $45.00/lesson


    Dis­counts apply to fam­i­lies with 2 or more chil­dren. Sec­ond child will receive a 5% dis­count and third or chil­dren there­after will receive a 10% dis­count off the term fees.

    Vouch­ers (issued by Grants NT)

    $100 School Sport Vouch­er – Avail­able for chil­dren enrolled in school in Alice Springs. These vouch­ers are issued annu­al­ly in Jan­u­ary & July and must be applied for. Reg­is­ter HERE

    Water Safe­ty Aware­ness Pro­gram Vouch­er (WSAP) – Avail­able for chil­dren under 5 years. These vouch­ers are val­ued at $50. Reg­is­ter HERE

    $100 Learn to Swim Vouch­er – Avail­able for chil­dren under 5 years, who have com­plet­ed the WSAP pro­gram. Reg­is­ter HERE