Council Events

Mayoral Awards

The Alice Springs May­oral Awards are cel­e­brat­ed in line with the Inter­na­tion­al Day of Peo­ple with a Dis­abil­i­ty (IDP­wD) to high­light the con­tri­bu­tions made by indi­vid­u­als with dis­abil­i­ty and by indi­vid­u­als for dis­abil­i­ty communities.

The aim of the Alice Springs May­oral Awards is to high­light, acknowl­edge and give thanks to the peo­ple in the com­mu­ni­ty who make a dif­fer­ence’ – demon­strat­ed either in their own lives or through their actions and com­mit­ment to others.

Nom­i­na­tions for this year’s May­oral Awards will open in August 2025.

Click here to Nominate!

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion, please read the May­oral Awards Nom­i­na­tions Guide below:

Year Noteworthy Award Champion Award


Matthew Turner

Simone Guascoine


Daryl Strange

Karen Eva-Stirk


Michele Castagna

Cheryl Talbot


Murray Stewart

Ann Ireland


Brandon Williams

Corey Cronin


Isaac Menge, Richard Bowden

Karen Stewart, Joyanne Hastwell


Ethan Satour

Sandra Brown, Peggy Campbell

Year Noteworthy Award Champion Award Michele Castagna Medal


Jol Fleming

Jarrod Cahir, Sarah Thompson

Jol Fleming


Royston Thompson

Tiffany Keane

Karen Stewart


Adrian Robertson

Joyce Bowden

Pippa Tessmann


Graham Wilfred Jnr

Inosi Bulimairewa

Andrew Harrison


Sandy Robinson

King Marong

Virginia Heydon


Justin Williams

Tommy Dutton

Michelle Pettit


Kevron Foster

Meloney Ford

Angela Teasdale


Bindi Mail Run Team

Graham Wilfred, Royston Thompson

Padma Andrews


Andrew ‘Andy’ Harrison

Lillian Labatisda

Anthea Connelly

Inter­na­tion­al Day of Peo­ple with a Dis­abil­i­ty (IDP­wD)

On 3rd Decem­ber every year IDP­wD is cel­e­brat­ed world­wide recog­nis­ing the achieve­ments and con­tri­bu­tions of peo­ple with disability.

IDP­wD is a Unit­ed Nations sanc­tioned day that aims to pro­mote an under­stand­ing of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ty and encour­age sup­port for their dig­ni­ty, rights and well-being. IDP­wD also seeks to increase aware­ness of the ben­e­fits of the inte­gra­tion of peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ty in every aspect of polit­i­cal, social, eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al life

Award Cat­e­gories and Criteria

The Note­wor­thy Award

A per­son with dis­abil­i­ty who has made a note­wor­thy con­tri­bu­tion to the community”
  1. The nom­i­nee has made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion to the com­mu­ni­ty of Alice Springs in their cho­sen field of endeavour.
  2. The nom­i­nee has a proven track record of active com­mu­ni­ty involvement.
  3. The con­tri­bu­tion made by the nom­i­nee has result­ed in improve­ment of the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty or indi­vid­u­als with­in it.

The Cham­pi­on Award

A per­son with or with­out dis­abil­i­ty who has been an advo­cate for the rights and well-being of peo­ple with disability”
  1. The nom­i­nee has a track record of being a cham­pi­on for the rights of peo­ple with disability
  2. The nom­i­nee pro­motes or advances a greater under­stand­ing of peo­ple with disability
  3. The con­tri­bu­tion made by the nom­i­nee has result­ed in improved conditions/​ser­vices/well-being/ under­stand­ing of indi­vid­u­als or groups of peo­ple with disability.

The Michele Castagna Medal

Award­ed to an indi­vid­ual that dis­plays tenacity”

Michele Castagna OAM (3/8/ 194417/9/2016), a tire­less and active mem­ber of Council’s Access Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee for 20-years, was incred­i­bly com­mit­ted to improv­ing dis­abil­i­ty access in Alice Springs and was inte­gral in the cre­ation of the May­oral Awards.