Resident Info


Alice Springs Town Coun­cil admin­is­ters three ceme­ter­ies in Alice Springs:

  • Stu­art Town Cemetery
  • Alice Springs Memo­r­i­al (Gen­er­al) Cemetery
  • Alice Springs Gar­den Cemetery

Forms to pur­chase a ceme­tery plot or apply for exclu­sive right of bur­ial are avail­able on Coun­cil’s forms page.

A list of fees and charges can be found by click­ing here.

If you require the bur­ial or inter­ment of ash­es into an exist­ing plot or the niche wall, please con­tact the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil reg­istry on (08) 8950 0534.

Alice Springs Gar­den Cemetery

The Alice Springs Gar­den Ceme­tery is Alice Springs’ most recent­ly estab­lished ceme­tery, hav­ing opened in 1974.

Sit­u­at­ed off the south Stu­art High­way, this ceme­tery was estab­lished to pro­vide ample space, meet­ing the needs of the com­mu­ni­ty for sev­er­al generations.

Close to 3 hectares in size, the Gar­den Ceme­tery com­pris­es of 27 sec­tions with between 6 and 8 rows per section.


The list below has been pre­pared to help you find your friends and loved ones.

We have tak­en care to be as accu­rate as pos­si­ble but if you find any errors or have any queries, please con­tact us at astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Alice Springs Gar­den Ceme­tery Chapel

Opened in May 2017, the Gar­den Ceme­tery Chapel was con­struct­ed to pro­vide a cul­tur­al­ly neu­tral facil­i­ty in which memo­r­i­al ser­vices of all cul­tures and tra­di­tions could take place.

The Chapel’s rear walls slide out and open onto an out­door area, allow­ing it to acco­mo­date for small and inti­mate funer­al ser­vices, as well as larg­er scale funerals.

An adjoin­ing gar­den pro­vides a place for qui­et reflec­tion, with art­works intend­ed to evoke the uni­ver­sal expe­ri­ence of griev­ing and loss. The chapel is thought­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed with art­works of local flo­ra and birdlife.

Alice Springs Gen­er­al (Memo­r­i­al) Cemetery

The Alice Springs Gen­er­al Ceme­tery (Memo­r­i­al) is on Memo­r­i­al Avenue, adja­cent to the Avi­a­tion Muse­um and behind the Aralu­en Arts Centre.

The graves of Albert Namatji­ra (Abo­rig­i­nal painter from Her­manns­burg), Harold Las­seter (who claimed to have found an as-yet undis­cov­ered 7‑mile-long gold reef in Cen­tral Aus­tralia) and anthro­pol­o­gist Olive Pink, who, eccen­tric to the last, is buried fac­ing the oppo­site direc­tion to every­body else.

The Gen­er­al Ceme­tery is Her­itage list­ed. Buri­als were restrict­ed when the new Gar­den Ceme­tery opened.

No buri­als are accept­ed at the Gen­er­al Ceme­tery unless you hold an Exclu­sive Right of Bur­ial Certificate”.

Ash­es can be placed into a Fam­i­ly Mem­bers Plot at a cost.

If you require an Islam­ic plot, there is a Mohammedan sec­tion in this cemetery.

Please call (08) 8950 0534 for all enquiries.

Stu­art Town Cemetery

This was the first offi­cial ceme­tery in Alice Springs and holds the remains of many of our ear­ly pioneers.

It’s believed over 100 peo­ple were buried in this small ceme­tery on George Cres­cent, but only 40 names of the deceased are now known.

Some of the notable peo­ple buried here include Peter Mahomet — the first Afghan cameleer to come to Alice Springs in 1872; Frank Rees George — explor­er and geol­o­gist and Johannes Fred­er­ick Mueller — the first Sta­tion-Mas­ter at the Tele­graph Station.

The last bur­ial in the Stu­art Town Ceme­tery was in 1932 when the Memo­r­i­al (Gen­er­al) Ceme­tery opened.