Community Calendar

The Red Centre Wringer Backyard Ultra

Aug 2nd - Aug 4th 2025
Alice Springs Telegraph Station
ASRWC Members $55.00, Non-Members $80.00
Contact Details:
Alice Springs Running & Walking Club

The event information and rules will be released and emailed to participants before the event.

The Red Centre Wringer Backyard Ultra

Aug 2nd - Aug 4th 2025

The event information and rules will be released and emailed to participants before the event.

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The Red Cen­tre Wringer is the Alice Springs Run­ning and Walk­ing Club’s back­yard ultra event. We want our trail run­ning com­mu­ni­ty to test their endurance, meet as a com­mu­ni­ty and cel­e­brate. It is a grass­roots event that cap­tures some of Alice’s charm.

What is a back­yard ultra? This is a last-per­son stand­ing event; a course loop must be com­plet­ed every hour. Par­tic­i­pants con­tin­ue com­plet­ing loops until there is one remaining.

The rules are below for the event

If you’re inter­est­ed in reg­is­ter­ing as a vol­un­teer, we will be open­ing up for vol­lie reg­is­tra­tion a few months pri­or to the event.

The event will take place at the Tele­graph Sta­tion His­tor­i­cal Reserve in Alice Springs. The course will be on the East/​Stuart/​Arrwe loop. The trail has var­ied ter­rain through­out and is pri­mar­i­ly sin­gle track show­ing off what is amaz­ing about trail run­ning in Alice Springs.

This year, the 6.7km loop will be clock­wise. JUST ONE MORE..

The rules, as Laz states, for Back­yard Ultra events:

1. Course


6.7056 kilo­me­tres

2. Start­ing Corral

Par­tic­i­pants must be in the start­ing cor­ral at the bell/​ready for the next loop before the start time of the next loop

3. Starts

Each loop starts pre­cise­ly 1 hour after the last

Warn­ing must be giv­en 3, 2, and 1 min­utes pri­or to start

All com­peti­tors must start at the bell (no late starts)

4. Loops

Except for restrooms, com­peti­tor may not leave the course until each loop is completed

No non-com­peti­tors on the course (includ­ing elim­i­nat­ed runners)

No per­son­al aid dur­ing a loop (com­mon aid sta­tions are allowed)

Each loop must be com­plet­ed with­in an hour to be count­ed… includ­ing the final lap.

No arti­fi­cial aids (includ­ing trekking poles)

Slow­er run­ners must allow passes.

5. Tim­ing

Tim­ing of the loops is option­al (we do not time loops)

6. Winner/​Results

The win­ner is the last per­son to com­plete a loop

All oth­ers are tech­ni­cal­ly DNF

Results of each run­ner in terms of dis­tance cov­ered are to be given.

If no run­ner can com­plete one more loop than any­one else, there is no winner.

7. Cap

Race must be open-end­ed. There is no end time for the event.