Community Calendar

Luke Kidgell: Good Intentions

July 17th 2025, 7:30pm
Araluen Arts Centre, 61 Larapinta Drive
Please refer to website for admission prices
Contact Details:
Araluen Arts Centre Phone (08) 8951 1120

Luke Kidgell kicks off his new World Tour in Australia in 2025!

Luke Kidgell: Good Intentions

July 17th 2025, 7:30pm

Luke Kidgell kicks off his new World Tour in Australia in 2025!

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Luke is known for his viral crowd-work inter­ac­tions that often lead to some fair­ly unusu­al, yet hilar­i­ous encoun­ters. Despite not hav­ing much con­trol over his impul­sive thoughts, Luke insists that deep down he means well, and this year he’s on a mis­sion to prove it. 

After tour­ing the US, Cana­da, NZ & Europe Luke is com­ing back home with his brand-new show Good Inten­tions. This is not one to miss! 

You’ve seen him on the inter­net, now it’s time to see him in real life, as Luke tries to prove that he real­ly does have Good Intentions.

Please note, by enter­ing the venue, you are agree­ing to be filmed, and any con­tent pro­duced may be dis­trib­uted for pro­mo­tion­al purposes. 

Insta­gram — @lukekidgell

Tik Tok — @luke.kidgell

Face­book — @luke.kidgell

Youtube — @luke.kidgell