Environmental initiatives

Green Living Subsidy


Please be advised that all avail­able funds for this grant have been ful­ly allo­cat­ed, and as a result, the appli­ca­tion process is now closed. Stay tuned for future updates.

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil offer a Green Liv­ing Sub­sidy to encour­age res­i­dents to think and act sus­tain­ably and to reduce house­hold waste.

Res­i­dents can claim up to 50% of the pur­chase of var­i­ous sus­tain­able items includ­ing reusable cloth nap­pies, food wraps and san­i­tary items, com­post and worm farms, res­i­den­tial solar hot water sys­tems and e‑bikes.

What can I claim?

Reusable Cloth Nap­pies and Accessories

Items include: reusable nap­pies, reusable inserts, reusable swim nap­pies, reusable baby wipes, wet bags for reusable nap­pies, reusable nurs­ing pads.

  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $100.

Reusable San­i­tary Items

Items include: reusable san­i­tary pads, leak proof under­wear, reusable san­i­tary cups, wet bags for san­i­tary items.

  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $50.

Com­post­ing Tools

Items include: com­post items, include bokashi bins, grains and liq­uid, com­post bins, aer­a­tors, worm farms and worms, and kitchen caddies.

  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $100,

Reusable Food Wraps

Items include: beeswax wraps, reusable sand­wich bags and reusable bak­ing paper.

  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $50.

Res­i­den­tial Solar Hot Water System

  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $300.


  • 50% of your pur­chase price up to $300.

Please note: only one rebate per house­hold per cat­e­go­ry per finan­cial year will be accepted.


To claim a rebate, you must:

  • pro­vide a copy of your receipt
  • pro­vide proof that you live in Alice Springs (e.g. a recent util­i­ty bill, rates notice or similar)
  • only apply for one rebate per cat­e­go­ry per household

Full Terms and Con­di­tions can be found here.

How to apply

Please be advised that all avail­able funds for this grant have been ful­ly allo­cat­ed, and as a result, the appli­ca­tion process is now closed. Stay tuned for future updates.