Alice Springs Public Library


Your eLi­brary is always open!

Your Alice Springs Pub­lic Library mem­ber­ship gives you FREE access to a HUGE range of read­ing mate­r­i­al, includ­ing the online eLibrary!

Collection What You Can Borrow How Many Items Loan Period


eBooks, eMagazines & eAudio

8 eBooks + 8 eAudiobooks

21 days

What do you need?

  1. A Library Card from any of the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry’s Pub­lic Libraries, and your password 
  2. A com­pat­i­ble device with inter­net access
  3. The rel­e­vant free soft­ware or app installed on your device:

Apple devices

Android devices

Macs and PCs 

Not a mem­ber yet? Join online. For­got your pass­word? Reset it! If you wish to access the Lib­by dig­i­tal mag­a­zine col­lec­tion, please join City of Dar­win as an online mem­ber, by click­ing here.

eBooks, eAu­dio & eMagazines


eBooks, eMagazines & Audio­Books to read or lis­ten to any­where, any­time for free with BorrowBox!

Bor­row­Box is an easy to use plat­form that allows you to select and down­load ebooks and eAu­dio­books to your com­put­er or any mobile device. Pow­ered by Bolin­da Dig­i­tal, Bor­row­Box has a wide selec­tion of titles includ­ing lat­est releas­es, best sell­ers and lots of Aus­tralian and New Zealand titles.

Bor­row with BorrowBox

    Road to IELTS

    Road to IELTS helps learn­ers of Eng­lish with Read­ing, Writ­ing, Speak­ing and Lis­ten­ing. The pro­gram helps IELTS can­di­dates with every aspect of test prepa­ra­tion from under­stand­ing the tasks in the Read­ing paper, to deal­ing with nerves in the Speak­ing test — skills which are use­ful for all Inter­me­di­ate-lev­el learn­ers of English.

    Click here to access Road to IELTS for FREE thanks to LibrariesNT.

    Gale Inter­ac­tive: Science

    Gale Inter­ac­tive: Sci­ence pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive view of the most-stud­ied sci­ence sub­jects, includ­ing biol­o­gy, chem­istry, earth sci­ence and human anato­my. Author­i­ta­tive, high qual­i­ty dig­i­tal con­tent is pre­sent­ed in over 200 inter­ac­tive ses­sions and 60 mod­els are avail­able to print with a 3D print­er. This high­ly visu­al online tool empow­ers learn­ers to become more knowl­edge­able about com­plex sci­en­tif­ic con­cepts in an easy to under­stand, acces­si­ble and fun way.

    Click here to access Gale Inter­ac­tive: Sci­ence for FREE thanks to LibrariesNT.