Waste & Recycling

Regional Waste Management Facility

For a full list of the facil­i­ty’s fees and charges, please refer our list of land­fill fees.

Price list

The Alice Springs Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty was built to enhance envi­ron­men­tal sus­tain­abil­i­ty via a vari­ety of long term recy­cling and waste min­imi­sa­tion strate­gies and to pro­vide a loca­tion for advanced waste man­age­ment and recy­cling for all com­mu­ni­ties in Cen­tral Aus­tralia. This includes those ser­viced by Yulara, Mac­Don­nell Region­al Coun­cil, Cen­tral Desert Region­al Coun­cil and Bark­ly Region­al Council.

The Waste Trans­fer Sta­tion pro­vides a sort­ing area where waste is screened pri­or to dis­pos­al so that recy­clables can be sep­a­rat­ed from the waste stream and to per­mit the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of waste that is inap­pro­pri­ate for direct land­fill dis­pos­al. The baler at the Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty bales a range of these sep­a­rat­ed items, which are then trans­port­ed to major recy­cling facil­i­ties interstate.

The Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty is locat­ed on Com­mon­age Road. Open 8am — 4pm 7 days (closed Good Fri­day, Christ­mas Day, Box­ing Day and New Year’s Day).

Call 8950 4343 for more details.

Schools are encour­aged to vis­it the facil­i­ty for learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties regard­ing waste man­age­ment and teach­ers can make these arrange­ments by con­tact­ing Council’s Envi­ron­ment Offi­cer on 8950 0594.

Down­load a copy of the Excur­sion Resource Guide for more details.

RWMF Feed­back Form

Coun­cil is always seek­ing to improve its ser­vice deliv­ery to our com­mu­ni­ty – and you can help! The RWMF is ask­ing for the com­mu­ni­ty’s feed­back on how well it meets recy­cling and waste dis­pos­al needs, and to explore all sug­ges­tions for new ser­vices or how to improve cur­rent ones.

Please com­plete the below RWMF Feed­back Form.