Aquatic & Leisure Centre

Entry and Memberships

Win­ter Open­ing Hours (from 1 May to 31 August)

    • Week­days 6:00am ‑6:30pm
    • Sat­ur­days 8:00am‑3:00pm
    • Sun­day 9:00am‑3:00pm
    • Pub­lic hol­i­days 9:00am‑3:00pm (closed Show Day)
    • **Please note, the out­door 50m pool may be tem­porar­i­ly closed for annu­al main­te­nance dur­ing the win­ter period

Entry Poli­cies

Keep Watch – Our pool fol­lows Roy­al Life­sav­ing Society’s KEEP WATCH @ PUB­LIC POOLS policy.

  • 0 – 5 year olds & non-swim­mers: give them all of your atten­tion, stay close to them (with­in arms’ reach — you must be in the water with them), watch them continuously.
  • Chil­dren aged 6 – 10 years: con­stant active super­vi­sion required by a per­son 16 years and above.
  • Chil­dren aged 11 – 16 years: rec­om­mend­ed you phys­i­cal­ly check up on them on a reg­u­lar basis.

Swim Ready — Swim Ready! is a pre-swim check devel­oped to achieve two key objectives:

  1. Improve safe­ty and super­vi­sion of chil­dren 10 years old and under.
  2. Main­tain a high stan­dard of pool hygiene (and decrease pool clo­sures result­ing from incidents).

A child is Swim Ready! when:

  • A vis­it to the toi­let (or a suit­able aquat­ic nap­py check by a par­ent or guardian) has occurred.
  • Show­er­ing has occurred before enter­ing the pool.
  • Chil­dren can show life­guards who their super­vis­ing adult is (or for babies and very young tod­dlers the super­vis­ing adult shows life­guards the chil­dren in their care).

Once a child is Swim Ready! a Cus­tomer Ser­vice Assis­tant will pro­vide a Swim Ready! wrist band and you can enter the Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Centre.

  • Chil­dren 5 years old and under receive a pink wristband.
  • Chil­dren 6 – 10 years old receive a green (or colour oth­er than pink) wristband.

Coloured wrist bands indi­cate to life­guards which chil­dren require arm length super­vi­sion and which chil­dren are Swim Ready!


• Use of avail­able facil­i­ties
• Free aqua exer­cise class­es
• Reg­u­lar patrons save mon­ey on entry fees (when vis­it­ing 3+ times a fort­night)
• No queues on entry, just swipe your mem­ber­ship card
• One free cof­fee on sign up
10% dis­count on swimwear & acces­sories from the swim shop 
• 3 & 12 month Pay Upfront Mem­ber­ships
• No refunds on unused por­tions of mem­ber­ship
• Fort­night­ly Direct Deb­it Mem­ber­ships
• No-penal­ty fee for mem­ber­ship can­cel­la­tions of more than 14 days notice 
• $6.00 once-only join­ing fee
• $7.00 rejec­tion fee per occur­rence
• No-penal­ty fee for sus­pen­sion of mem­ber­ships for up to 90 days with­in a 12 month period 

10 Visit Pass Up-front 3 Months Up-front 12 Months Fortnightly Direct Debit











Child (5-16y)











Join Now

Down­load a Mem­ber­ship Appli­ca­tion Form


Down­load a Mem­ber­ship Sus­pen­sion Form
