
Council Jobs

Work­ing for the community

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil employs more than 200 staff at our Civic Cen­tre, Alice Springs Pub­lic Library, Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Cen­tre, Region­al Waste Manage­ment Facil­i­ty and Works Depot.

As our team mem­bers are our great­est asset, Coun­cil offers very com­pet­i­tive salaries and our employ­ment con­di­tions are among the best in the North­ern Territory:

  • Six weeks annu­al leave
  • 15 days per­son­al leave
  • Paid Domes­tic and Fam­i­ly Vio­lence leave
  • Cultural/​ceremonial leave
  • Train­ing and devel­op­ment opportunities
  • Flex­i­ble work­ing arrangements
  • Up to 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion (increas­ing to 12% on 1 July 2025).
  • Relo­ca­tion assis­tance for eli­gi­ble positions.

Some ben­e­fits and dis­counts avail­able to our team mem­bers include:

  • In-house health and well­be­ing program
  • Employ­ee Assis­tance Program
  • Alice Springs Aquat­ic Leisure Cen­tre admis­sion and membership.

Coun­cil is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty employ­er. Coun­cil has rat­i­fied its Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Action Plan and is com­mit­ted to stronger and health­i­er rela­tion­ships between non-indi­ge­­­nous and Abo­rig­i­nal and Tor­res Strait Islander peo­ples. Indige­nous peo­ple are encour­aged to apply for posi­tions at Council.

If you are com­mit­ted to:

  • Pro­vid­ing excel­lent ser­vice to the community
  • Con­tribut­ing to a safe and pos­i­tive work­place culture
  • Con­tin­u­ous improvement

We want you to be part of our organisation!