Alice Springs Public Library

Library Events

Your Library’s open­ing hours:

Week­days 10am-6pm

Week­ends 10am-1pm

Pub­lic Hol­i­days – closed

Events at your Library are FREE, but some are tick­et­ed as places are lim­it­ed. To book your FREE tick­ets to an upcom­ing events, please:
vis­it – aspl​.eventbrite​.com​.au
call us – 8950 0555
or email – library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

In April 2024, we ran our first Library Bag Design Com­pe­ti­tion, with near­ly 50 entries across all the age groups. All of the designs tru­ly embod­ied the essence of Alice Springs — unique­ly local, orig­i­nal and inspi­ra­tional. We announced the win­ners here and you can check out all of the designs below.