Living in Alice


August is Seniors Month

In August, Alice Springs Town Coun­cil cel­e­brates its sil­ver cit­i­zens and their con­tri­bu­tions to the local com­mu­ni­ty with a series of spe­cial events, to which all 50+ res­i­dents are invited!

For more infor­ma­tion about any of Council’s Seniors Month events, please con­tact (08) 8950 0500 or email astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Seniors Month Events 2025:

    21st August, 9am — 12 pm, May­oral Morn­ing Tea and Still Got Tal­ent — Start the morn­ing off by being wait­ed on by the May­or, Council’s CEO and staff, whilst enjoy­ing a gen­er­ous morn­ing tea with guest speak­ers and then at 10am it will straight into Still Got Tal­ent. Due to high demand, Coun­cil is excit­ed to announce that the tal­ent con­test is back on for Still Got Tal­ent 2025 where all of Alice Spring’s sil­ver stars will have up to 5 min­utes to show­case their spe­cial tal­ent to win the lav­ish cash prize!

      Alice Springs Pub­lic Library also hosts free activ­i­ties dur­ing Seniors Month – please check for upcom­ing events here.

      • In 2025 the Library events include: Leather­craft for Seniors and High Tea Bingo. 

      Alice Springs Pub­lic Library

      The Pub­lic Library, locat­ed on the cor­ner of Leich­hardt and Gre­go­ry Ter­races, is open Mon­day to Fri­day (10am-6pm), and on week­ends (10am-1pm). The Library is closed on all pub­lic holidays.

      The Library offers a vari­ety of senior-friend­ly activ­i­ties and work­shops, includ­ing (but not lim­it­ed to): fam­i­ly his­to­ry; com­put­er tech­nol­o­gy; spo­ken Eng­lish; author talks; crafts; plus, book, chess and read­ing groups. 

      Oth­er Library ser­vices include an online cat­a­logue, com­put­er access, wi-fi, plus low cost print­ing and photocopying.

      If you are unable to access the Library due to phys­i­cal frailty, ill­ness or dis­abil­i­ty, Alice Springs Pub­lic Library offers a home deliv­ery ser­vice. Please enquire with the Library on (08) 8950 0555 or email library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

      U3A (Uni­ver­si­ty of the Third Age) pro­motes learn­ing for the plea­sure of learn­ing by offer­ing aca­d­e­m­ic, cul­tur­al, recre­ation­al ses­sions at the Alice Springs Pub­lic Library. To enquire, please vis­it their web­site here.

      Check Upcoming Library Events Here

      Green Waste Col­lec­tion for Pensioners

      Council’s Pen­sion­er Prun­ing Removal Ser­vice is a free green waste col­lec­tion which occurs twice a year in May and Novem­ber. Dates for 2024 are:

      Tues­day 21 May to Fri­day 24 May — Appli­ca­tions close at 4.30pm Fri­day 15 May 2024

      Tues­day 12 Novem­ber to Thurs­day 15 Novem­ber — Appli­ca­tions close at 4.30pm Fri­day 6 Novem­ber 2024.

      Please down­load an appli­ca­tion form below, or con­tact Coun­cil on 8950 0500 to find out ser­vice dates for this year.

      Oth­er Groups

      Coun­cil of the Age­ing NT advo­cates for and works towards an age-friend­ly, just, inclu­sive and equi­table soci­ety for all Ter­ri­to­ri­ans over 50 years of age. Assis­tance for the NT Seniors Recog­ni­tion Scheme and pre­paid card can be accessed through COTA at the 50+ Cen­tre on Wills Terrace. 

      The 50 Plus Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre is locat­ed at 11 Wills Ter­race in the CBD. The Cen­tre pro­vides a vari­ety of activ­i­ties and events for seniors, includ­ing bin­go, bridge, work­shops, and wood work­ing, and can also be hired out as a com­mu­ni­ty venue. To con­tact the 50 Plus Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­tre, call 0407 529 791.

      Stu­art Alice Springs com­bined PROBUS Inc., for retired or semi-retired Rotar­i­ans over 50 years of age, meets on the 2nd Wednes­day of the month at the Gillen Club, Gillen.