Aquatic & Leisure Centre


Win­ter Open­ing Hours (from 1 May to 31 August)

  • Week­days 6:00am ‑6:30pm
  • Sat­ur­days 8:00am‑3:00pm
  • Sun­day 9:00am‑3:00pm
  • Pub­lic hol­i­days 9:00am‑3:00pm (closed Show Day)
  • **Please note, the out­door 50m pool may be tem­porar­i­ly closed for annu­al main­te­nance dur­ing the win­ter period

Need train­ing? Roy­al Life Sav­ing North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry has you covered! 

See the full course list here or search by date here

Adult Learn to swim classes 

Wednes­days, com­menc­ing 24th July for 6 weeks

Adult begin­ner- 5:15 – 5:45pm

Adult inter­me­di­ate- 5:45 – 6:15pm

$21 a les­son or $126 for the term

For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact the friend­ly ASALC team on (08) 8950 4360 or by email­ing info@​asalc.​com.​au

Enrol in an AUSTSWIM Course & teach a skill for life!

Next course:

AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swim­ming & Water Safety™

Sat­ur­day 20 & 21 July | 8.30am — 5.30pm | Alice Springs Aquat­ic & Leisure Centre

Book online

Aqua Fit

Casu­al Adult $15.50 | Casu­al Con­ces­sion $10.50

Turn up the heat with an aquat­ic workout!

AA = Get your heart pump­ing and build aer­o­bic fit­ness with an AQUA ACTIVE class incor­po­rat­ing cir­cuit, inter­val and clas­sic aqua-chore­og­ra­phy into one jam-packed ener­gy filled class! AQUA ACTIVE is suit­able for peo­ple of all ages with mod­er­ate to high fit­ness. Appro­pri­ate swimwear must be worn for all classes. 

WWEWARM WATER EXER­CISE is a fun, water-based exer­cise class suit­able for peo­ple of all ages and abil­i­ties, aimed at assist­ing those with arthri­tis and oth­er mus­cu­loskele­tal conditions.

AiA = ALL IN AQUA is a fun-filled class for all over body fit­ness, incor­po­rat­ing resis­tance and func­tion­al fit­ness train­ing. Suit­able for mod­er­ate to high fit­ness lev­els and all ages.

All Aqua Fit­ness class­es are includ­ed in upfront and direct-deb­it ASALC memberships!

Aqua Fit Timetable

Down­load a print­able timetable of all the Health & Well­ness pro­grams here:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

AiA 5.30 pm

AA 5.30 pm

WWE 10 am

Rest Day - No class

AiA 10 am

AA 9.30 am

For more infor­ma­tion please con­tact the friend­ly ASALC team on (08) 8950 4360 or by email­ing info@​asalc.​com.​au

Fol­low our Face­book page for the lat­est news and details of all upcom­ing events!
