Resident Info

Make a report

What issues can be reported?

You can report issues to Coun­cil includ­ing road obstruc­tions, ille­gal dump­ing, van­dal­ism, pot­holes, fall­en trees, aban­doned trol­leys, lit­ter, and graffiti.

How do I make a report?

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is part­ner­ing with Snap Send Solve to make report­ing issues as easy as pos­si­ble! Through the plat­form, res­i­dents can let us know of issues that need our atten­tion around our com­mu­ni­ty. All you need to do is take a pic­ture, sub­mit your Snap’ and we’ll han­dle the rest.

You can make a report by down­load­ing and using the Snap Send Solve avail­able from the App Store or Google Play. You can also get Snap­ping by vis­it­ing https://​snapsend​solve​.com/repo…

All rel­e­vant reports are sent direct­ly to Alice Springs Town Coun­cil. Reports for oth­er agen­cies should be sent direct­ly to the respon­si­ble agency.

Report graf­fi­ti and vandalism 

Did you know you can get a reward for pro­vid­ing Coun­cil with infor­ma­tion that leads to the con­vic­tion or diver­sion of a per­son who has com­mit­ted the fol­low­ing offences?

Graf­fi­ti or vandalism

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil, NT Gov­ern­ment and Pow­er and Water offer $500 each towards a total $1500 reward to those who can assist police in the con­vic­tion of a per­son who has com­mit­ted an offense of van­dal­ism or graffiti.

How to make a graf­fi­ti or van­dal­ism report

Call: the Coun­cil Depot on (08) 8950 0500.

Email: astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Include your name, phone num­bers, email, details of the offence — who, what, where, when and any oth­er comments.