
Thirteenth Council 2017-2020

Fol­low­ing Gen­er­al Coun­cil Elec­tions in August 2017, the 13th Alice Springs Town Coun­cil was sworn in at an offi­cial cer­e­mo­ny in the Coun­cil Cham­bers on 11th Sep­tem­ber 2017.

Elect­ed Members

  • May­or Damien Ryan
  • Coun­cil­lor Jamie de Brenni
  • Coun­cil­lor Jim­my Cocking
  • Coun­cil­lor Mar­li Banks
  • Coun­cil­lor Glen Auricht
  • Coun­cil­lor Matt Paterson
  • Coun­cil­lor Cather­ine Satour
  • Coun­cil­lor Eli Melky
  • Coun­cil­lor Jac­in­ta Price

Achieve­ments — 2017 – 18

  • Invest­ment of $20K worth of CCTV remote cam­era sys­tem which includ­ed a sen­sor-scream­er and PTZ cam­eras that con­stant­ly record.
  • Instal­la­tion of Solar Pan­el Sys­tems at Civic Cen­tre, Library ASALC and TIO Traeger Park.
  • Launch of the ASTC Arts & Cul­tur­al Plan and Arts & Cul­tur­al Pol­i­cy, 2017 – 2021.
  • Upgrade of Hart­ley Street pedes­tri­an refuge.
  • Instal­la­tion of EV charge points in Civic Cen­tre carpark.

Achieve­ments — 2018 – 19

  • Unveil­ing of the Anzac Cen­te­nary Memo­r­i­al at the Alice Springs Gar­den Cemetery
  • Con­struc­tion a new pub­lic ablu­tion facil­i­ty and LED Video dis­play score­board at Traeger Park.
  • Con­struc­tion of a new pub­lic ablu­tion facil­i­ty at Frank McEl­lis­ter Park.
  • Resur­faced the Trae­gar Avenue hock­ey field.
  • Endorse­ment of Council’s Cli­mate Action Plan 2018 – 2021.

Achieve­ments — 2019 – 20

  • Com­ple­tion of Stage 1 of the Ilparpa Road works, start­ing from the inter­sec­tion of Len Kit­tle Dri­ve and Ilparpa Road head­ing west encom­pass­ing shared foot and bike paths and road widen­ing. 3000 tonne of crushed recy­cled con­crete was used in this project.
  • COVID Com­mu­ni­ty Sup­port Mea­sures and pan­dem­ic response plan.
  • Con­ver­sion of ASALC indoor light­ing to ener­gy effi­cient LEDs; refur­bish­ment of the 20m out­door Learn to Swim pool; and instal­la­tion of new BBQ facilities.
  • Intro­duc­tion of elim­i­na­tion of Sin­gle Use Plas­tics (SUP) from Coun­cil ser¬vices, pro¬grams, events and facil­i­ties, includ¬ing per¬mit hold¬ers using Coun¬cil land or facilities.
  • Devel­op­ment of a draft Pub­lic Art Mas­ter­plan, to man­age, main­tain and progress pub­lic art in the municipality.
  • Com­ple­tion of an inter­pre­tive sig­nage project, with signs placed at all Alice Springs Town Coun­cil com­mis­sioned pub­lic artworks.
  • Expres­sions of inter­est called for the FOGO (food organics/​garden organ­ics) com­mu­ni­ty tri­al fol­low­ing a suc­cess­ful inter­nal tri­al. Under the tri­al, par­tic­i­pants received a col­lec­tion ser­vice for a 6 month period.
  • Com­ple­tion of the fol­low­ing park upgrades: shade struc­ture and fit­ness equip­ment installed at Fran­cis Smith Park; shade struc­ture installed at Lyn­davale Park; shade struc­ture, bench seats and a bas­ket­ball slab installed at Shana­han Park; and, shade struc­ture, bench seats and play­ground equip­ment installed at Spicer Park.
  • Resur­fac­ing of Jim McConville Oval soft­ball fields.
  • Instal­la­tion of a 190 per­son grand­stand, new turf and irri­ga­tion at Albrecht Oval.