Thirteenth Council 2017-2020
Following General Council Elections in August 2017, the 13th Alice Springs Town Council was sworn in at an official ceremony in the Council Chambers on 11th September 2017.
Elected Members
- Mayor Damien Ryan
- Councillor Jamie de Brenni
- Councillor Jimmy Cocking
- Councillor Marli Banks
- Councillor Glen Auricht
- Councillor Matt Paterson
- Councillor Catherine Satour
- Councillor Eli Melky
- Councillor Jacinta Price
Changes within Council
- Councillor Jamie de Brenni elected Deputy Mayor, September 2017
- Councillor Matt Paterson elected Deputy Mayor, August 2018 and re-elected August 2019
- Councillor Marli Banks resigned to contest the Northern Territory Government Election, 9 July 2020
- Councillor Catherin Satour resigned to contest the Northern Territory Government Election, 9 July 2020
- Councillor Matt Paterson resigned to contest the Northern Territory Government Election, 31 July 2020
- Mayor Damien Ryan resigned to contest the Northern Territory Government Election, 6 August 2020
- Councillor Jamie de Brenni appointed to the role of Principal Member, 6 August — 7 September 2020
- Councillor Jimmy Cocking appointed to the role of Acting Deputy Principal Member, 6 August — 7 September 2020
- Councillor Marli Banks reinstated as Councillor, 7 September 2020
- Councillor Catherine Satour reinstated as Councillor, 7 September 2020
- Councillor Matt Paterson reinstated as Councillor, 7 September 2020
- Mayor Damien Ryan reinstated as Mayor, 7 September 20202
- Councillor Jacinta Price elected Deputy Mayor, 28 September 2020
Achievements — 2017 – 18
- Investment of $20K worth of CCTV remote camera system which included a sensor-screamer and PTZ cameras that constantly record.
- Installation of Solar Panel Systems at Civic Centre, Library ASALC and TIO Traeger Park.
- Launch of the ASTC Arts & Cultural Plan and Arts & Cultural Policy, 2017 – 2021.
- Upgrade of Hartley Street pedestrian refuge.
- Installation of EV charge points in Civic Centre carpark.
Achievements — 2018 – 19
- Unveiling of the Anzac Centenary Memorial at the Alice Springs Garden Cemetery
- Construction a new public ablution facility and LED Video display scoreboard at Traeger Park.
- Construction of a new public ablution facility at Frank McEllister Park.
- Resurfaced the Traegar Avenue hockey field.
- Endorsement of Council’s Climate Action Plan 2018 – 2021.
Achievements — 2019 – 20
- Completion of Stage 1 of the Ilparpa Road works, starting from the intersection of Len Kittle Drive and Ilparpa Road heading west encompassing shared foot and bike paths and road widening. 3000 tonne of crushed recycled concrete was used in this project.
- COVID Community Support Measures and pandemic response plan.
- Conversion of ASALC indoor lighting to energy efficient LEDs; refurbishment of the 20m outdoor Learn to Swim pool; and installation of new BBQ facilities.
- Introduction of elimination of Single Use Plastics (SUP) from Council ser¬vices, pro¬grams, events and facilities, includ¬ing per¬mit hold¬ers using Coun¬cil land or facilities.
- Development of a draft Public Art Masterplan, to manage, maintain and progress public art in the municipality.
- Completion of an interpretive signage project, with signs placed at all Alice Springs Town Council commissioned public artworks.
- Expressions of interest called for the FOGO (food organics/garden organics) community trial following a successful internal trial. Under the trial, participants received a collection service for a 6 month period.
- Completion of the following park upgrades: shade structure and fitness equipment installed at Francis Smith Park; shade structure installed at Lyndavale Park; shade structure, bench seats and a basketball slab installed at Shanahan Park; and, shade structure, bench seats and playground equipment installed at Spicer Park.
- Resurfacing of Jim McConville Oval softball fields.
- Installation of a 190 person grandstand, new turf and irrigation at Albrecht Oval.