Seventh Council 1992-1996
Elections for members of the seventh Council were held on 30 May, 1992. Andy McNeill was elected as Mayor.
Elected Members
- Tony Alicastro
- Lorraine Braham
- Carol Frost
- Jeff Huddlestone
- Robert Kennedy
- Terry McCumiskey
- Geoff Miers
- June Noble
- Rod Oliver
- Lynne Peterkin
Changes within Council
- 15 June, 1992: Council elected Alderman Bob Kennedy Deputy Mayor
- Resignation, 30 August, 1993: Alderman Jeff Huddlestone
- By-election, 9 October, 1993: Alderman Daryl Gray
- Resignation, 18 May, 1994: Alderman Lorraine Braham resigned to contest the NT election. Being successful, her resignation was not withdrawn
- By-election, 6 August, 1994: Alderman Fran Erlich
- Resignation, February, 1996: Alderman Daryl Gray. With the ordinary election due to be held at the end of May, 1996, the vacancy was not filled
1992 – 1993
During this year the Council introduced a system whereby rates could be paid by instalment.
The Early Bird Draw was also introduced. Ratepayers who chose to pay the full annual amount of the rates and charges due by the due date of the first instalment were eligible for inclusion in the Early Bird Draw.
Ten names of ratepayers were drawn by the Mayor and received a refund of the rates paid for the year.
In response to economic and community needs for additional parking spaces in the northern end of the Todd Mall, the decision was made to open that part of the Mall to vehicular traffic.
The Council entered into a five year contractual arrangement with Environmental Waste Management for the landfill operation at the Municipal Dump.
During the year a study was completed into the stormwater drainage system in Alice Springs.
The results of this study led the Northern Territory Government to commission consulting engineers to investigate alternative approaches to flood plain management in the town, both with regard to flooding of the Todd River, and to overtopping of the open unlined drains.
The Council’s Corporate Plan was completed. A review of all systems and work practices for the full range of Council services was carried out to ensure maximum utilisation of resources.
Council developed the Albrecht Oval as an additional facility to serve the leisure and recreation needs of the town’s people.
Construction of two additional tennis courts at Traeger Park was completed.
It was decided to open all Council meetings to the public.
The Council maintained constant liaison with all Northern Territory Government Departments to ensure urban beautification projects were implemented.
The cycle path along the bank of the Todd River between the Tunks Road causeway and the Casino causeway was reconstructed by the Council using grant money provided by the Northern Territory Government.
1993 – 1994
By September, 1993, Council had re-opened the northern end of Todd Mall to vehicular traffic.
This included a well-used car park and achieved an increase in pedestrian traffic.
In January, 1994, the Council contracted the RSPCA to control the dog pound.
In early 1994, Council published the first edition of a new quarterly newsletter aimed at communicating topical matters regarding the Council’s programs and activities to the local and wider community. It was entitled About Alice – Your Council Newslink.
The Stage 1 upgrade of the Memorial Cemetery involving fencing and landscaping along the Memorial Avenue frontage was carried out.
A grant was received from the NT Government to assist the Council to build an extension to the Nevil Shute Memorial Library.
For the Anzac Day ceremony each year Council staff help by cleaning the area, assisting with the set-up including the stage for the salute, and cleaning up afterwards.
1994 – 1995
The Council constructed a shade structure over the training pool at the Swimming Centre. In conjunction with the NT Government, the Council constructed a verandah at the Alice Springs Child Care Centre located in Bath Street.
Rehabilitation of the Council dump was completed in 1994⁄95, ahead of schedule. Mosquito larval surveys were carried out on a weekly basis.
Treatment was carried out on the spot to reduce the numbers reaching the adult stage.
From the 111 entries received, Council Aldermen selected Mathew Sheridan’s entry as the winning logo in the Council’s Logo Competition. The design was an oasis in the middle of a red sandy desert.
The Council and representatives of the Native Title Claimants formed a consultative group with the view to ensuring the exchange of information regarding the Native Title Claim over vacant land in Alice Springs.
Two new netball courts were completed at Ross Park.
The building of the library extension meant a 50 per cent increase in floor space – doubling the space for children, appropriate archival conditions for the Alice Springs Collection, and more study space for the patrons.
1995 – 1996
On 1 July, 1995, the Town Council granted Freedom of Entry to the Town of Alice Springs to No. 1 Radar Surveillance Unit Royal Australian Air force, and Detachment 421 United States Air Force.
Between 1,500 and 2,000 trees were planted while only 150 to 200 were removed.
The Gap Child Care Centre was substantially upgraded with new fences, windows and sewer lines.
A facility for the isolation of diseased animals and the euthanasia of animals at the Animal Pound was constructed during the year.
The major urban beautification project by the Council during the year was at the “Hospital Lawns” — the parkland along Stuart Terrace.
Some trees were replaced where necessary, seats in the original design replaced old ones, and the playground equipment was brightly painted.
A major thrust during the year was to promote the town as a conference and convention centre in an effort to attract a greater share of that part of the tourist market.
The objectives of the management of the garbage dump focussed on the rehabilitation and re-vegetation of the dump faces in an effort to continue improving the appearance of the town dump. Seeding and planting was still to be undertaken because of a delay with the provision of a water supply.
In October, 1995, the name of the cemetery in George Crescent was officially changed to Stuart Town Cemetery. The Council was responsible for the overall continuing physical maintenance of this cemetery.
The Council continued its involvement with the Alice Springs Show by providing playground equipment, seating, an outdoor area, a baby’s change/feed area, free tea, coffee, and cordial, and various giveaways.
Tree planting was undertaken in eight neighbourhood parks and playground equipment was installed in seven parks.
A small waterslide was installed at the training pool for use by children up to the age of ten years.
The Nevil Shute Memorial Library recorded an increase in both loans and members over the previous year.
Loans totalled 165,532 and members reached 14,796 – an estimated 58 per cent of the town population. Roslyn Cousins’ work within the library field earned her the Library Manager of the Year Award.
Two major projects were the construction of slow points in Madigan Street and a passing lane in Head Street at the Madigan Street intersection.
Both resulted in expected improved traffic conditions.
The first stage of upgrading the Schwarz Crescent causeway was completed in November, 1995.
About thirty streets were resealed under the Road Reseal Programme.
Footpath construction continued in a number of streets.