
A ground-breaking day at Newland Park

Posted on 06 Feb, 2025

The much-anticipated Regional Skate and Play Precinct at Newland Park has officially broken ground, marking a major milestone in a game-changing project for the Alice Springs community.

Mem­ber for Lin­gia­ri Mar­i­on Scrym­gour was joined by North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment Min­is­ter for Logis­tics and Infra­struc­ture Bill Yan MLA, Alice Springs May­or Matt Pater­son, and rep­re­sen­ta­tives from MPH Con­struc­tion to kick off the project with a sod-turn­ing cer­e­mo­ny in Jan­u­ary. The sod-turn offi­cial­ly start­ed con­struc­tion on the development.

The precinct will include a region­al lev­el skate park that has been designed with thor­ough com­mu­ni­ty con­sul­ta­tion, as well play­ground equip­ment, green spaces and ample shading.

It will also include a pump track, 3×3 bas­ket­ball court, dog park and expand­ed car park­ing to enhance oppor­tu­ni­ties for recre­ation and social connection.

The state-of-the-art facil­i­ty is a joint project between three lev­els of gov­ern­ment, with a $4 mil­lion com­mit­ment from the Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment under its Pri­or­i­ty Com­mu­ni­ty Infra­struc­ture Pro­gram, $1.8 mil­lion from the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment and $2.8 mil­lion from Alice Springs Town Council. 

Fed­er­al Infra­struc­ture, Trans­port, Region­al Devel­op­ment and Local Gov­ern­ment Min­is­ter Cather­ine King said: 

This project is a fan­tas­tic exam­ple of the incred­i­ble ben­e­fits that can be deliv­ered for com­mu­ni­ties when all three lev­els of gov­ern­ment work together. 

Our joint fund­ing will see the exist­ing park­land get a much-need­ed upgrade and a range of brand-new ameni­ties, to pro­vide a big­ger com­mu­ni­ty and play hub for res­i­dents, com­mu­ni­ty groups and vis­i­tors to Alice Springs to enjoy.”

North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment Min­is­ter for Logis­tics and Infra­struc­ture, Mr Bill Yan MLA said: 

Our CLP gov­ern­ment is proud to back the devel­op­ment of New­land Park as part of our $27 mil­lion infra­struc­ture plan to make Alice Springs an even bet­ter place to live.

This plan is all about deliv­er­ing bet­ter sport­ing facil­i­ties that sup­port the well-being of our com­mu­ni­ty, espe­cial­ly for our kids. We can’t wait to see the skate park fin­ished and watch the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty enjoy the ben­e­fits it’ll bring.”

Mem­ber for Lin­gia­ri Mar­i­on Scrym­gour said:

This project will deliv­er a mod­ern skate and play park for peo­ple to enjoy. I am excit­ed about the ben­e­fits these upgrad­ed facil­i­ties will pro­vide local res­i­dents and vis­i­tors to Alice Springs. It will also be good for local businesses.

Addi­tion­al­ly, con­struc­tion on the project will pro­vide crit­i­cal local employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties by sup­port­ing 31 jobs.”

Alice Springs May­or Matt Pater­son said: 

With the rib­bon just cut on the new Adven­ture Park, it’s fan­tas­tic to turn our atten­tion to anoth­er project that will be a gamechang­er for fam­i­lies in Alice Springs. 

This is such an impor­tant invest­ment in our community’s future and we can’t wait to see this come to life. The Region­al Skate and Play Precinct is some­thing that will ben­e­fit young peo­ple for gen­er­a­tions to come and it’s excit­ing to begin work so quick­ly to have this project com­plet­ed in 2025.

I’d like to thank the Aus­tralian Gov­ern­ment and the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry Gov­ern­ment for their sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tions to this project. This shows how the com­mu­ni­ty can ben­e­fit when all three lev­els of gov­ern­ment work together.”