
New structure to Council Meeting agendas

Posted on 15 Aug, 2024

Alice Springs Town Council meetings will take on a new feel with a change in the structure and order of business to come into effect in August.

The new struc­ture will see the Open Sec­tion of the Ordi­nary Coun­cil Meet­ing move ahead of the Con­fi­den­tial sec­tion, begin­ning now at 9am. Mem­bers of the pub­lic will be able to enter the Coun­cil Cham­ber from the begin­ning of the meet­ing to ask ques­tions of their Elect­ed Members.

The Open meet­ing will con­tin­ue until busi­ness has con­clud­ed with the Con­fi­den­tial sec­tion tak­ing place imme­di­ate­ly after.

As a Coun­cil, we are always look­ing for oppor­tu­ni­ties to adapt and do things in the most effi­cient and effec­tive way pos­si­ble,” May­or Matt Pater­son said.

This move allows us to fol­low what is con­sid­ered best prac­tice around the coun­try and comes with guid­ance from the Depart­ment of Local Gov­ern­ment. It also ensures that the most crit­i­cal items we dis­cuss as a Coun­cil are front and centre.

The most impor­tant thing for res­i­dents to know is that if you have a ques­tion for your Elect­ed Mem­bers, you can address us at the begin­ning of the meet­ing or email us at eaexecutive@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au.”

The new meet­ing struc­ture will be in place for the next Ordi­nary Coun­cil Meet­ing on 27 August 2024, begin­ning at 9am in the Coun­cil Cham­ber. All mem­bers of the pub­lic are wel­come to attend. Those that can’t make it in per­son can watch the livestream on Council’s Vimeo channel.