
For these locals, creativity is in the bag

Posted on 14 Jun, 2024

Alice Springs locals had an opportunity to showcase their creativity and artistic flair recently with the Alice Springs Public Library hosting a bag design competition.

The com­pe­ti­tion, open to peo­ple of all ages, asked res­i­dents to cre­ate an image that was unique­ly Alice Springs, orig­i­nal and inspi­ra­tional. The result was a total of 65 entries across four age cat­e­gories, with the win­ning design from each cat­e­go­ry being print­ed on new Alice Springs Pub­lic Library tote bags.

The aim of the project was to show­case the com­mu­ni­ty spir­it and cre­ativ­i­ty in Alice Springs, giv­ing peo­ple of all ages an oppor­tu­ni­ty to get their cre­ative juices flow­ing and draw atten­tion to the many pos­i­tive aspects of life in Cen­tral Australia. 

A num­ber of medi­ums were used by entrants, with pop­u­lar themes includ­ing the Ranges, the Todd Riv­er, local wildlife, and some of Alice Springs’ most famous events. 

The 0 – 5 age cat­e­go­ry win­ner was Riley Mor­ton, 5, with an image that cap­tures the colour of the ranges, the end­less blue skies, and the won­der­ful wildlife of Alice.

The 6 – 11 age cat­e­go­ry win­ner was Made­line Aila, 11, whose design cap­tures the icon­ic Lara­p­in­ta Trail and a beau­ti­ful sunrise.

The 12 – 17 cat­e­go­ry was won by Avi­va Abra­ham, 15, with a design show­ing not only the beau­ti­ful Cen­tral Aus­tralian land­scape, but also one of our most famous year­ly events in Finke.

The 18+ cat­e­go­ry win­ner was Beck Tyler, who cre­at­ed a design show­cas­ing the Todd Riv­er and the fab­u­lous colours of the desert. 

The bags are avail­able for pur­chase from the library for $10 and are sell­ing fast.