
Youth Recycled Art Prize a hit

Posted on 11 Apr, 2023

The 2023 Youth Recycled Art Prize Exhibition Opening & Awards Night was spectacular!

On Thurs­day 6 April, 46 orig­i­nal cre­ative pieces made strict­ly from recy­cled or reused mate­ri­als by Alice Springs youths were exhib­it­ed in Alice Plaza. 

On this spe­cial occa­sion, artists, friends, fam­i­ly and the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty came togeth­er in cel­e­bra­tion of the exhibition’s open­ing and to admire the won­der­ful­ly unique 3D pieces. As part of the cou­tur­ial team, Judith Coverdale notes the envi­ron­men­tal con­ser­va­tion state­ments [and the] social impacts to the play­ful arrange­ments which aes­thet­i­cal­ly mim­ic life”. 

May­or Matt Pater­son, Ettain Win­ter and Steve Ander­son scored entries based on their use of recy­cled mate­r­i­al, design and con­struc­tion, and cre­ativ­i­ty, ulti­mate­ly deter­min­ing the win­ning entrants with­in each age group.

Deputy May­or Eli Melky pre­sent­ed awards to the fol­low­ing prize win­ners for each category:

12- 14 years

  • Win­ner: Truck­ing Yards Town Camp- Truck­ing Jam”

15 – 17 years

  • Win­ner: Emi­ly Glover- King Larry’s Din­ner Invite
  • High­ly Com­mend­ed: Miru For­rester & Emi­ly Glover- Recy­cled Wall‑E”

18 and over

  • Win­ner: Ruby Kunoth-Monks- Poi­son”

As the People’s Choice Award is deter­mined by com­mu­ni­ty votes the win­ner is to be announced after the clo­sure of the Gallery!

What took my eye was the atten­tion to detail each sculp­tor had,” Judith Coverdale said. 

You can see the pur­pose­ful selec­tion of shapes, colour and tex­ture all reimagined.

The imag­i­na­tion must go into over­drive to prob­lem solve trans­form­ing a ran­dom col­lec­tion of objects into some­thing that is unique­ly three dimen­sion­al. The ordi­nary is trans­formed, and it all begins with the first selec­tions of an object and the imag­i­na­tion of the cre­ator ask­ing them­selves what this could become.” 

The gallery in Alice Plaza will also be open for the pub­lic to view on Sat­ur­day 8 April, and dai­ly from Tues­day 11 April to Fri­day 14 April from 11 am to 2 pm. 

Alice Springs has so many bril­liant young peo­ple in all fields. Events like the Youth Recy­cled Art Prize are amaz­ing because if gives young peo­ple a plat­form to show­case their tal­ents,” May­or Pater­son said. 

This year’s entries are absolute­ly incred­i­ble and have to be seen to be believed.”