
Supporting Young Families

Posted on 11 Jul, 2023

Families and parents in Alice Springs will have more opportunity to access vital support going forward with Alice Springs Town Council and Birth and Beyond entering into a partnership agreement.

Birth and Beyond is a com­mu­ni­ty organ­i­sa­tion that pro­vide sup­port, edu­ca­tion and resources for preg­nan­cy, birthing and sup­port in Alice Springs. Coun­cil have endorsed a part­ner­ship with the organ­i­sa­tion for $20,000, allow­ing them to grown their ser­vices mov­ing forward.

We know that becom­ing a par­ent can be one of the most stress­ful times in anyone’s life and it’s impor­tant that peo­ple have access to reli­able sup­port sys­tems dur­ing this time,” May­or Matt Pater­son said. 

Coun­cil are extreme­ly proud to help sup­port Birth and Beyond and the incred­i­ble work they do in our com­mu­ni­ty. I encour­age any­one need­ing fam­i­ly sup­port to get in touch with this spe­cial organisation.”

Birth and Beyond Com­mit­tee Chair Antje Chalmers said the organ­i­sa­tion are excit­ed about the part­ner­ship, say­ing they can­not wait to help as many young fam­i­lies as possible. 

Birth and Beyond are extreme­ly excit­ed about this part­ner­ship with the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil,” she said. 

We are grate­ful for their sup­port of our vision which is focused on sup­port­ing the fam­i­lies of Alice Springs. With this fund­ing sup­port we look for­ward to extend­ing our ser­vices and pro­vid­ing even more excit­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for the Alice Springs community. 

Birth and Beyond have a num­ber of projects in the pipeline aimed at sup­port­ing the par­ent­ing com­mu­ni­ty of Alice Springs. This fund­ing from Alice Springs Town Coun­cil will feed straight into those projects and there­fore the sup­ports avail­able to par­ents in Alice. There are excit­ing times ahead, so watch this space!”