
Dive into a great career opportunity

Posted on 17 Nov, 2023

If hanging out by the pool throughout the hot Central Australian summer is your idea of a good time, then you might be in luck.

The Alice Springs Aquat­ic and Leisure Cen­tre (ASALC) will be run­ning a Bronze Medal­lion train­ing course in Decem­ber, aim­ing at recruit­ing more life­guards for the hol­i­day period. 

ASALC is cur­rent­ly on the look­out for peo­ple of all ages and back­grounds to join their life­guard team ahead of a busy sum­mer peri­od, giv­ing peo­ple the oppor­tu­ni­ty to earn an income while being pool­side. In an effort to train those inter­est­ed in becom­ing a life­guard, Alice Springs Town Coun­cil will facil­i­tate a Roy­al life­sav­ing Bronze Medal­lion Course on 2 Decem­ber. This is the min­i­mum stan­dard for a qual­i­fied lifesaver. 

We are always look­ing to add more enthu­si­as­tic mem­bers to our team and we’re real­ly excit­ed to offer this train­ing,” ASALC Man­ag­er Peti­na Franklin said. 

Becom­ing a life­guard real­ly is not as daunt­ing as it sounds. It is a fan­tas­tic job for peo­ple of all ages whether you are a high­ly trained ath­lete with loads of expe­ri­ence, or a school-leaver look­ing for a sum­mer job. We have such a broad cross-sec­tion of life­guards on our team and hope to bol­ster that, so join in and give it a crack.”

Nor­mal­ly $180, Coun­cil will ful­ly sub­sidise the Bronze Medal­lion course for any trainee life­guards will­ing to work two shifts per week through the hol­i­day period. 

To sign up for the Bronze Medal­lion course or for more infor­ma­tion about becom­ing a life­guard, con­tact the Aquat­ic and Leisure Cen­tre on 8950 4360 or email info@​asalc.​com.​au today.