
Youth Recycled Art Prize back in 2022

Posted on 04 Apr, 2022

Some of Alice Springs’ most creative young minds will get the chance to showcase their talent in April with the town favourite Youth Recycled Art Prize back for another instalment.

Pad­dy van der Geest-Hes­ter will be the spe­cial guest MC at the Exhi­bi­tion on 8 April.

The youth Recy­cled Art Prize gives young artists the oppor­tu­ni­ty to show­case their cre­ativ­i­ty by turn­ing reclaimed and recy­cled mate­ri­als into pieces of art. 

Open for ages 12 – 25, a total of $1200 worth of prizes will be up for grabs in this year’s edi­tion of the Prize with event organ­is­er Glo­ria De Vin­cen­ti say­ing the event is an impor­tant one for young peo­ple in Alice Springs.

The Youth Recy­cled Art Prize is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for young peo­ple to involve them­selves in a cre­ative process while also engag­ing with recy­cling and its impor­tance on the envi­ron­ment,” Glo­ria said.

It’s real­ly impor­tant to con­sid­er dif­fer­ent ways to care for our envi­ron­ment. There is always a lot of con­ver­sa­tion on how we can take action and recy­cling is a major aspect in this. 

This ini­tia­tive com­bines recy­cling with the cre­ative process. Art is a major inter­est around our town and we have a lot of tal­ent in Alice Springs. This is a great chance to show­case that.

This year we have increased our con­nec­tions with schools, organ­i­sa­tions and oth­er stake­hold­ers to reach as many young peo­ple as pos­si­ble. We have held work­shops in col­lab­o­ra­tion with a few organ­i­sa­tions to help young peo­ple pre­pare art pieces for the exhibition.”

Prizes are award­ed to the win­ning entry in each age cat­e­go­ry: 1215 yrs, 1619 yrs, 2025yrs, as well as the People’s Choice Award.

The exhi­bi­tion open­ing with take place on 8 April at the Alice Plaza, Shop 8 at 6pm. Pad­dy van der Geest-Hes­ter (pic­tured), a mem­ber of the 2022 Youth Round Table, will be the spe­cial guest MC on open­ing night. 

The exhi­bi­tion will then run through until the 16th of April so there will be plen­ty of oppor­tu­ni­ty for fam­i­lies and the entire com­mu­ni­ty to come vis­it and enjoy.