
Night Markets to return with a bang!

Posted on 05 Sep, 2022

Alice Springs Town Council’s Night Markets series will make its return in September with a special night out planned!

Coun­cil have col­lab­o­rat­ed with the Desert Fes­ti­val for the event, bring­ing fun and fes­tiv­i­ties to the heart of Alice Springs. 

Held on Thurs­day 22 Sep­tem­ber from 5 – 9pm, The Desert Fes­ti­val Night Mar­kets will help kick off the 2022 Desert Fes­ti­val in grand fash­ion with enter­tain­ment from:

- Pop Up Cabaret (Dan Milne) 

- Kumalie Riley doing Acknowl­edge­ment of Country 

- Mid­night Rangers 

- Mul­ga Bore Hardrock Band 

All the beau­ty of the usu­al night mar­kets will also be on show with tal­ent­ed locals show­cas­ing their arts, crafts and deli­cious delicacies.

With live, local enter­tain­ment for the whole fam­i­ly, you can bop while you browse the mar­kets for authen­tic indige­nous art, hand-made crafts, up-cycled trea­sures, books, hand­made cloth­ing and jew­ellery, plus a huge range of tasty treats from our many food vendors.

Coun­cil’s Night Mar­kets are fam­i­­­ly-friend­­­ly, smoke-free events.

Coun­cil active­ly encour­ages BYO reusable cut­lery and take-away food con­tain­ers to reduce the vol­ume of Sin­gle Use Plas­tics (SUPs) going into landfill.