
Make sure your voice is heard

Posted on 04 Oct, 2022

Residents in Alice Springs will head to the polling booth once again in 2022 with Alice Springs Town Council calling a by-election for Saturday 29 October.

Fol­low­ing the res­ig­na­tion of Jim­my Cock­ing from the posi­tion of Coun­cil­lor ear­li­er in 2022, a seat in the Cham­ber is now vacant with a by-elec­tion tak­ing place to elect a ninth Councillor.

This will be held on Sat­ur­day 29 Octo­ber with ear­ly vot­ing com­menc­ing from Mon­day 17 Octo­ber in Dar­win, and Sat­ur­day 22 Octo­ber in Alice Springs.

Coun­cil­lors make deci­sions in the best inter­est of the com­mu­ni­ty and it’s impor­tant that res­i­dents get the oppor­tu­ni­ty to vote for their pre­ferred rep­re­sen­ta­tive,” May­or Matt Pater­son said. 

It’s vital that you get out to your clos­est polling booth on Sat­ur­day 29 Octo­ber and make your voice heard. Every vote counts in these elec­tions so be sure to have your say.”

Nom­i­na­tions for the one vacant posi­tion on Coun­cil will open on Fri­day 7 Octo­ber and will be open for one week. They will close on Fri­day 14 October. 

Two infor­ma­tion ses­sions for those con­sid­er­ing nom­i­nat­ing for Coun­cil will be held in the Andy McNeill room on Thurs­day 6 Octo­ber from 5 – 6pm and Wednes­day 12 Octo­ber from 12 – 1pm. These ses­sions will answer any ques­tions you may have about stand­ing for Council. 

Serv­ing the com­mu­ni­ty as an Elect­ed Mem­ber is a priv­i­lege and extreme­ly reward­ing,” May­or Pater­son said. 

I encour­age every­one with a gen­uine pas­sion for Alice Springs to con­sid­er nominating.”


  • Nom­i­na­tions open: Fri­day, 7 Octo­ber 2022
  • Close of elec­toral roll: Tues­day, 11 Octo­ber 2022
  • Close of nom­i­na­tions: Fri­day, 14 Octo­ber 2022
  • Ear­ly vot­ing com­mences in Alice Springs: 9am-3pm Sat­ur­day, 22 Octo­ber; 8am-5pm, Mon­day 24 to Thurs­day 27 Octo­ber; 8am-6pm, Fri­day 28 Octo­ber 2022; vot­ing takes place in the Andy McNeill Room
  • Elec­tion day: 8am-6pm, Sat­ur­day, 29 Octo­ber 2022 in the Andy McNeill Room, 93 Todd Street
  • Dec­la­ra­tion of the elec­tion result: Fri­day, 11 Novem­ber 2022