
Join the Seniors Coordinating Committee!

Posted on 06 May, 2022

Expressions of interest are now open to join the Seniors Coordinating Committee

On 26 April at Council’s Ordi­nary Meet­ing a new Terms of Ref­er­ence for the Seniors Coor­di­nat­ing Com­mit­tee was endorsed. 

We are now seek­ing expres­sions of inter­est for up to 10 vacan­cies on the Seniors Coor­di­nat­ing Com­mit­tee con­sist­ing of gen­er­al mem­bers and organ­i­sa­tion­al representatives. 

The func­tions of the com­mit­tee are to: 

  • To raise the lev­el of under­stand­ing in Coun­cil of issues affect­ing senior cit­i­zens in Alice Springs 
  • To pro­vide rec­om­men­da­tions to Coun­cil and its offi­cers on pro­grams and ser­vices that relate to old­er peo­ple and their interests
  • Advise Coun­cil when there is a need to lob­by to oth­er lev­els of gov­ern­ment on a mat­ter affect­ing senior cit­i­zens in Alice Springs. 

Mem­ber­ship of the com­mit­tee will seek to be as reflec­tive as pos­si­ble of the senior community. 

Com­mit­tee mem­bers will be appoint­ed for a peri­od of two (2) years and will meet four (4) times a year or oth­er­wise deemed nec­es­sary. An appli­ca­tion form and the full terms of ref­er­ence can be found below. Pre­vi­ous com­mit­tee mem­bers are encour­aged to apply.

Expres­sions of inter­est clos­es 5pm, Fri­day 17 June 2022

Expres­sion of Inter­est form

Terms of Reference