
Time to mulch the garden

Posted on 11 Oct, 2021

Save your soil from baking in the Alice Springs heat this summer with a load of mulch from the Regional Waste Management Facility!

You can now buy afford­able, high-qual­i­ty mulch for just $30 a ute load, or have a truck load deliv­ered for $200.

The mulch is made by grind­ing up gar­den waste that’s dropped off at the Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty. This mate­r­i­al is heaped into piles and watered regularly.

The heat in the piles reach­es about 75 degrees which kills any seeds or weeds, and it is turned every three days, giv­ing staff an oppor­tu­ni­ty to see and remove any debris.

At the end of sev­en weeks the final prod­uct is a rich, clean mulch ready to apply to the garden.

Heavy Machin­ery Oper­a­tor Ali Satour said the process of mak­ing the mulch is a great part of his job.

It’s real­ly sat­is­fy­ing recy­cling the green waste that comes in and know­ing it isn’t going to land­fill,” he said.

When we sell it to cus­tomers we know it’s a good product.”

Mulch will be avail­able to the pub­lic in ear­ly Novem­ber. To pur­chase a ute load just go to the weigh bridge and let the atten­dant know you’d like to buy some mulch. To organ­ise a deliv­ery via truck call 8950 4343.