
Expressions of Interest - Public Art

Posted on 16 Feb, 2021

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil invites Expres­sions of Inter­est (EOI) from suit­ably expe­ri­enced and qual­i­fied artists to under­take the devel­op­ment of a mur­al on the front walls of the Alice Springs Aquat­ic and Leisure Cen­tre (ASALC).

Sport­ing and out­door activ­i­ties are a big part of liv­ing in Cen­tral Aus­tralia. ASALC pro­vides not only a space for a range of recre­ation­al activ­i­ties, swim­ming and sport, but a place for the broad­er com­mu­ni­ty to meet, and enjoy the water and out­doors. There have recent­ly been upgrades at the Alice Springs Aquat­ic and Leisure Cen­tre, and an allo­ca­tion of 2% for pub­lic art has been pro­vid­ed as part of this cap­i­tal works project. Coun­cil is com­mis­sion­ing a mur­al for the front walls of ASALC, with the theme of: Liv­ing water: water con­tin­ues to shape Alice Springs and its people.

Expres­sions of inter­est (EOI) must be sub­mit­ted before 11.59pm on 7 March 2020

EOI form is avail­able here.