
Pawsome donation for the Alice Springs Animal Shelter

Posted on 22 Jun, 2021

Following successful fundraising efforts at the 2021 Pets on Parade event, the Alice Springs Town Council has donated over $3,000 to the Alice Springs Animal Shelter.

Act­ing Manger Ranger Unit Chris Gosling, Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter Man­ag­er Tam­my Har­grave, and Com­mu­ni­ty Projects and Events Offi­cer Alyssa Reid with the dona­tion cheque.

A total of $3,275.86 was raised through sell­ing raf­fle tick­ets and col­lect­ing gold coin dona­tions to par­tic­i­pate in games with the rangers.

Ben Kit­tle and the team at Com­plete Fenc­ing, who pro­vid­ed are­na fenc­ing for the event, also gen­er­ous­ly donat­ed their hire fees towards the contribution. 

Act­ing Man­ag­er of the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil Ranger Unit, Chris Gosling, said he was impressed with the public’s enthu­si­asm for the cause.

Once again the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty has come togeth­er to sup­port the annu­al Pets on Parade event and the Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter,” he said.

Thank you to the Alice Springs com­mu­ni­ty for your generosity.”

Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter Man­ag­er Tam­my Har­grave said the mon­ey will go straight into the shelter’s dona­tions’ fund, which is used to pay for improve­ments that direct­ly improve the lives of the ani­mals cared for at the facility.

Last year the Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter cared for about 650 dogs and 570 cats, and they are cur­rent­ly hous­ing and feed­ing about 70 animals.

It’s nice to be thought of because there are so many char­i­ties that need help,” Ms Har­grave said.

Mr Gosling reit­er­at­ed that the shel­ter was a wor­thy recip­i­ent of the donation.

The Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter plays an impor­tant, valu­able role with­in our com­mu­ni­ty,” he said.

Stray and unwant­ed ani­mals are looked after at the shel­ter wait­ing for their for­ev­er homes, and look­ing after these ani­mals comes at a cost.”

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil would like to thank our Pets on Parade gold spon­sors for their sup­port: Desert Dwellers, Blue Dust NT, Cen­tralian Motors and The Alice Springs Vet­eri­nary Hospital.

For more infor­ma­tion, or to donate to the Alice Springs Ani­mal Shel­ter, vis­it www​.alice​springsan​i​mal​shel​ter​.com​.au.

Ril­ly the cat approves of Alice Springs Town Coun­cil’s dona­tion to the Alice Springs Ani­mal Shelter