
Jim McConville Oval Sports Field Lighting Community Consultation and public meeting

Posted on 04 Nov, 2020

Sport­ing groups approached Coun­cil to install lights at Jim McConville Oval to enable night train­ing, espe­cial­ly in the sum­mer months. 

Coun­cil is now seek­ing the views of local res­i­dents and the com­mu­ni­ty on if they sup­port the instal­la­tion and use of lights at the oval. Coun­cil will be seek­ing com­ments regard­ing future Envi­ron­men­tal Man­age­ment Plans at a lat­er stage.

Please com­plete the sur­vey — https://​alice​springs​.nt​.gov​.au…. If you’d like to pro­vide any fur­ther thoughts please use the com­ment sec­tion or email astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au. Coun­cil thanks you for your time in com­plet­ing this sur­vey.

A pub­lic meet­ing will be held at 5:30pm Thurs­day 12 Novem­ber 2020

Con­sul­ta­tion dates: 9am Mon­day 2 Novem­ber and clos­es 5pm Thurs­day 26 Novem­ber 2020