
Council’s COVID-19 Response as at 17 March 2020

Posted on 18 Mar, 2020

Council is vigilant in managing its public venues (such as the Library and Aquatic Centre) to minimise the risk and, at this stage, both the Library and Aquatic Centre are operating to regular trading with increased sanitation. However in the interests of public health, if you are experiencing any flu-like symptoms, or feeling sick in any way, please do not use these facilities.

Coun­cil is vig­i­lant in man­ag­ing its pub­lic venues (such as the Library and Aquat­ic Cen­tre) to min­imise the risk and, at this stage, both the Library and Aquat­ic Cen­tre are oper­at­ing to reg­u­lar trad­ing with increased san­i­ta­tion. How­ev­er in the inter­ests of pub­lic health, if you are expe­ri­enc­ing any flu-like symp­toms, or feel­ing sick in any way, please do not use these facilities. 

In line with nation­al pub­lic health advice, the Alice Springs Pub­lic Library will be sus­pend­ing all cur­rent (includ­ing exter­nal­ly led) pro­grams and events at the Library until fur­ther notice. This includes reg­u­lar pro­grams such as Lego Club, Preschool Sto­ry­time, STEAM Club, Con­nect to Tech, Baby Rhyme Time and Sto­ry­book Sat­ur­day from today (Tues­day 17 March 2020). Meet­ing room book­ings are also being reviewed.

The Har­mo­ny Day Cit­i­zen­ship Cer­e­mo­ny sched­uled for this Fri­day 20 March will be going ahead how­ev­er pre­cau­tions and social dis­tanc­ing mea­sures will be put in place. At this stage non-essen­tial events in March (only) 2020 – Twi­light in the Mall, Mul­ti­cul­tur­al Fit­ness month and the Sat­ur­day morn­ing Heart­walk – have been CAN­CELLED. Coun­cil is cur­rent­ly eval­u­at­ing its oth­er upcom­ing events against risk assess­ment doc­u­ments pro­vid­ed by Secure NT and will advise the com­mu­ni­ty in due course.