
Alice Springs Public Library

Alice Springs Pub­lic Library Hol­i­day Oper­at­ing Hours

Mon­day-Fri­day 10am-6pm

Week­ends- 10am-1pm (exclud­ing pub­lic holidays)

About Alice Springs Pub­lic Library

Alice Springs Pub­lic Library is an essen­tial part of the Cen­tral Aus­tralian community.

A vibrant hub for peo­ple to meet, hang out, work, play, study, learn and attend a vast array of events, the library wel­comes every­one to enjoy its relaxed atmos­phere and exten­sive collection.

With more than 120,000 vis­i­tors per year and hous­ing the com­pre­hen­sive his­tor­i­cal Alice Springs Col­lec­tion, the library is a must for locals and visitors.

We’re in the CBD on the cor­ner of Gre­go­ry Ter­race and Leich­hardt Terrace.

You can find more infor­ma­tion about the library sys­tem and cat­a­logue by click­ing here.

Please call or email us if you would like any help.

Con­tact us

Library staff are avail­able to answer your enquiries between 10am-6pm, Mon­day to Fri­day (exclud­ing Pub­lic Holidays).

Phone: (08) 8950 0555

Email: library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Street Address: Cor­ner of Leich­hardt Ter­race and Gre­go­ry Ter­race, Alice Springs NT 0870

Postal Address: PO Box 1071, Alice Springs NT 0871

Social Media: Fol­low us on Face­book for the lat­est updates @ASPLibrary

Open­ing Hours

Week­days 10am-6pm

Week­ends 10am-1pm

Pub­lic Hol­i­days – closed

ASPL Feed­back Form

Alice Springs Pub­lic Library strives to pro­vide patrons with a pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence, qual­i­ty facil­i­ties, and great cus­tomer ser­vice. To improve our ser­vice, we need and val­ue your feedback.

Please take a cou­ple of min­utes to com­plete the below feed­back form.