
Concrete Labourer

Contact: Bryce Shannon - Supervisor Parks & Gardens # 0407 390 188
Salary: Level 5.1 (ME) $73,438.74 p/a plus super­annuation and district allowance.

Permanent, Full Time

  • Peak local Coun­cil and com­mu­ni­ty leader for Cen­tral Australia
  • Part of a dynam­ic and future-focused community
  • Con­tribut­ing in projects that shape the future of our vibrant community

The posi­tion will remain open until a suit­able can­di­date is iden­ti­fied. To max­imise your chances of con­sid­er­a­tion, we encour­age qual­i­fied indi­vid­u­als to sub­mit their appli­ca­tion as soon as pos­si­ble, appli­ca­tions will be con­sid­ered on submission.

About Alice Springs Town Council

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is locat­ed in the heart and soul of Cen­tral Aus­tralia, fond­ly known as the Red Centre.

Our Vision is of a brighter future, a pros­per­ous and cohe­sive community.

The Oppor­tu­ni­ty

We seek an expe­ri­enced Con­crete Labour­er to work as part of the con­crete fin­ish­ing team, under­tak­ing all aspects of con­crete con­struc­tion and repair relat­ing to Council’s ameni­ties and facilities.

Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will be includ­ed but not lim­it­ed to under­take basic con­crete repairs to Coun­cil ameni­ties and facil­i­ties, assist with a range of more com­plex con­crete con­struc­tion and repairs (includ­ing Chan­nel and Kerb con­crete cut­ting, remov­ing con­crete (using jack­ham­mer), con­crete rein­state­ments, con­crete form­work stone pitch­ing), oper­ate and main­tain work vehi­cles, plant (includ­ing con­crete saw and boom crane) and tools to a safe stan­dard and iden­ti­fy any nec­es­sary repairs.

What will you get from join­ing the team?

  • Attrac­tive salary of Lev­el 5.1 (ME) $73,438.74 p/​a plus 11.5% super­an­nu­a­tion and dis­trict allowance.
  • 6 weeks annu­al leave with addi­tion­al gen­er­ous leave enti­tle­ments (annu­al leave is paid at the employee’s ordi­nary hourly rate togeth­er with a leave load­ing of 17.5%) + 3 weeks per­son­al leave