Contact Us

Alice Springs Town Council

Con­tact infor­ma­tion for all queries about Coun­cil-relat­ed matters:

Phone (08) 8950 0500

Email astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Fax (08) 8953 0558

Postal address PO Box 1071, Alice Springs, NT0871

Street address 93 Todd Street (just down from the Todd Mall)

Hours Mon­day to Fri­day 8am — 5pm.

After hours

The above phone num­ber is active 24 hour, 7 days if your require assis­tance out­side of nor­mal busi­ness hours, please call and fol­low the prompts to be direct­ed to the rel­e­vant areas for emer­gency calls.

Closed pub­lic hol­i­days and over the Christmas/​New Year break.

Report a prob­lem via Neat­Streets.

Check out our Face­book page and Twit­ter 

Alice Springs Pub­lic Library

Phone (08) 8950 0555

Email library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Street address Cor­ner Leich­hardt Ter­race and Gre­go­ry Terrace


Mon­day to Fri­day 10am — 6pm.

Sat­ur­day and Sun­day 10am — 1pm.

Closed pub­lic hol­i­days. The Alice Springs Col­lec­tion is not open on weekends.

Check out our Face­book page and Twit­ter

Alice Springs Aquat­ic and Leisure Centre

Phone (08) 8950 4360

Email info@​asalc.​com.​au

Street address Speed Street

Sum­mer Hours (1 Sep­tem­ber to 30 April)

Week­days 6am — 7pm, Week­ends 9am — 7pm

Win­ter Hours (1 May to 31 August)

Week­days 6am — 6.30pm, Week­ends 9am — 3pm

The Cen­tre is closed for Alice Springs Show Day, Good Fri­day and Christ­mas Day

Water­slides may also be avail­able on week­ends, pub­lic hol­i­days and school hol­i­days — please check our Face­book page and web­site

Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facility

Open­ing Hours

Con­tact infor­ma­tion for all queries about Coun­cil-relat­ed matters:

Phone (08) 8950 4340

Email astc@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

Fax (08) 8953 0558

Street address Com­mon­age Road, Alice Springs


Open 7 days, 8am to 4pm

The Redis­cov­ery Cen­tre is open week­days, 8am – 4pm, and week­ends 9.30am – 2.30pm. The land­fill and Redis­cov­ery Cen­tre are CLOSED Christ­mas Day, New Year’s Day and Good Friday.

Key Con­tacts

May­or Matt Paterson

m: 0424 652 640

CEO: Andrew Wilsmore

p: 0492 800 821

Direc­tor Tech­ni­cal Ser­vices: Joel Andrew

m: 0455 089 208

Direc­tor Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment: Nicole Battle

m: 0498 730 096

Act­ing Direc­tor Cor­po­rate Services

m: 8950 0564

Mar­ket­ing and Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Coor­di­na­tor: Antho­ny Geppa

m: 0439 815 315

Man­ag­er Works: Philip Feaver

m: 0413 607 237

Man­ag­er Rangers: Luke Allen

m: 0413 330 638

Man­ag­er Infra­struc­ture: Stephen Baloban

m: 0417 886 571

Man­ag­er Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty: Oliv­er Eclipse

m: 0408 085 537