Community Calendar

Pram Party

Apr 26th 2024, 9:00am - 10:00am
Snow Kenna Park
Health & Wellness
Contact Details:
8950 0565

A Pram Party is an opportunity for parents of young children to have a laugh, maybe get a little out of their comfort zone while learning a beginner move and groove class and hopefully meet someone new! The exer­cis­es aim to be safe and enjoy­able, includ­ing low-impact, car­dio, and strength train­ing all mixed into a routine!

Date: There will be a Pram Par­ty held on the last Fri­day of every month so April’s is on the 26th of April

Time: 9am‑9:45am

Loca­tion: Each Pram Par­ty will be held at a dif­fer­ent Park, this month will be at Snow Ken­na Park!

📝 You will be asked to sign an online waiv­er where the organ­is­er will then be able to direct­ly email you the next location!