Community Calendar

National Trust Alice Springs Heritage Festival

Apr 20th - Apr 28th 2024
Multiple Locations
Contact Details:

20 April

10:00 AM — 10:30 AM: The Alice Col­lec­tion Tour @ Alice Springs Pub­lic Library 

His­to­ry and con­tent of the Col­lec­tion in the library of all books relat­ed to the his­to­ry of Alice Springs. 

11:30 AM — 1:00 PM: Guid­ed Walk @ Tele­graph Station

Explore the WW2 Pig­gery remains and His­toric grounds south of the Tele­graph Sta­tion with Eugene Blom. Pho­tos will be on dis­play at the his­toric precinct all day and all week.

2:00 PM: Launch Her­itage Festival

2:00 PM: Guid­ed Tour @ Cen­tral Aus­tralian Avi­a­tion Muse­um Precinct 

21 April

2:00 PM — 2:30 PM: Unveil­ing of plaque by John Strehlow @ Her­manns­burg His­toric Precinct

Mark­ing the loca­tion of bur­ial of TGH (Ted) Strehlow’s ashes. 

Direc­tions: Dri­ve past Her­manns­burg and across the Finke Cause­way. Imme­di­ate­ly turn right towards Tjuwan­pa. Fol­low signs straight ahead for 1km. The half-hour cer­e­mo­ny will be held at the large Desert Oak Tree. 3:00 PM: John Strehlow and Glen Auricht will talk at the Her­itage Precinct Tea Rooms.

2:45 PM: Guid­ed Walk @ Tele­graph Station

His­toric Track North Road from Tele­graph Sta­tion with Eugene Blom.

Dis­cov­er the old Bul­lock and camel dray track used in 1871 by the OTL con­struc­tion par­ties, and over­land trav­el­ling to Palmer­ston. Expe­ri­ence for your­self why this was known as The Devil’s Pinch” by team­sters and motorists. Until about 1932 when the Big Dip­per was built, this rough track was the only way through the Mac­Don­nell Ranges. Dis­cov­er the many orig­i­nal relics strewn along this long dis­used sec­tion of track. Over­grown and for­got­ten since 1965. Lim­it­ed park­ing avail­able at the dis­cov­ery walk, which is 8km from the Tele­graph Sta­tion via the North Stu­art High­way. High clear­ance vehi­cle required, and ride-shar­ing from the Tele­graph Sta­tion will ensure more peo­ple can participate.

22 April

6:00 PM — 9:00 PM: Toast­mas­ters @ Olive Pink Botan­i­cal Garden 

Find your voice at Toast­mas­ters. Expe­ri­ence the learn­ing process in how to become a flu­ent pub­lic speak­er and con­nect to your audience.

23 April

12:30 PM — 1:30 PM: Com­mu­ni­ty Talk with War­wick Marsh @ Hart­ley Street School 

The Angli­can Church Com­mu­ni­ty Con­nec­tions to his­to­ry in Stuart/​Alice Springs/​Mparntwe. The church pro­vid­ed its 1st ser­vice in Alice Springs in 1901 and has con­nec­tions to edu­ca­tion insti­tu­tions includ­ing St Mary’s and Hart­ley St School. War­wick Marsh will present a talk about the many con­nec­tions of the Angli­can Church of the Ascen­sion with the com­mu­ni­ty over the century.

1:30 PM — 4:30 PM: Open House @ Hansen House

Nation­al Trust Her­itage list­ed Hansen House. Host­ed by Bath House Stu­dio Group. Come in and explore Bur­net­t’s envi­ron­men­tal­ly designed house.

6:30 PM — 8:00 PM: Alice Springs Her­itage His­to­ry Quiz Night @ Bojangles

24 April

5:30 PM to 9:00 PM: Events @ Cen­tral Aus­tralian Avi­a­tion Museum. 

Full moon. Guid­ed tour of Cen­tral Aus­tralian Avi­a­tion Muse­um Precinct with Alex Nel­son or Fran­ca Fredrick­son. Plus His­toric movies, The Over­lan­ders, drov­ing a large cat­tle herd from WA to Qld dur­ing WW2. Some of the movie was shot at Eddie Con­nel­lan’s Nar­wi­etooma Station.

4:00 PM: Land for Wildlife Sur­vey @ Pitchi Rich. 

Begin 4‑day sur­vey of nat­ur­al bio­di­ver­si­ty and heritage.

25 April

2:00 PM — 3:00 PM: Then and Now Pho­to Exhi­bi­tion @ Hart­ley Street School 

Com­par­i­son of pho­tographs of WW2 sites in Alice Springs by Eugene Blom.

5:00 PM — 6:00 PM: His­toric Sites Walk South @ Todd Mall with Alex Nelson.

Meet at Afghan Peace Garden. 

26 April

7:00 PM to 8:30 PM: Con­nect­ing to our Past in Alice Springs @ Olive Pink Botan­i­cal Garden

Then/​Now pho­tog­ra­phy. Slide show and talk about tech­niques and results from House Elf Adventures.

27 April

7:00 AM: Land for Wildlife Sur­vey @ Pitchi Richi

Nat­ur­al bio­di­ver­si­ty her­itage sur­vey — com­ple­tion and sum­ma­ry of results.

9:30 AM — 4:30 PM: Pitchi Ritchi Her­itage Site open day. 
Con­clu­sion of the Nat­ur­al His­to­ry-Bio­di­ver­si­ty Sur­vey. Brief sum­ma­ry Jessie Long­mi­ur. 9:45 Intro­duc­to­ry talk about Pitchi Richi by Alex Nel­son and others.

10:00 AM: Dis­cus­sion about Future of Her­itage Alice and Pitchi Richi and open dis­cus­sion about the future of her­itage orga­ni­za­tions in Alice Springs. 

Dominic Pec­o­rari, Mike Gillam, Bill Low and others.

2:45 PM: Guid­ed Walk @ Tele­graph Station

His­toric Track North Road from Tele­graph Sta­tion with Eugene Blom.

Dis­cov­er the old Bul­lock and camel dray track used in 1871 by the OTL con­struc­tion par­ties, and over­land trav­el­ling to Palmer­ston. Expe­ri­ence for your­self why this was known as The Devil’s Pinch” by team­sters and motorists. Until about 1932 when the Big Dip­per was built, this rough track was the only way through the Mac­Don­nell Ranges. Dis­cov­er the many orig­i­nal relics strewn along this long dis­used sec­tion of track. Over­grown and for­got­ten since 1965. Lim­it­ed park­ing avail­able at the dis­cov­ery walk, which is 8km from the Tele­graph Sta­tion via the North Stu­art High­way. High clear­ance vehi­cle required, and ride-shar­ing from the Tele­graph Sta­tion will ensure more peo­ple can participate.

28 April

11:00 AM — 12:00 PM: Robert Cza­ko mur­al talk @ St. Mary’s Hostel

St Marys Precinct — home for many Stolen Gen­er­a­tion chil­dren who were sent to St Mary’s so they could attend Hart­ley St. School. The Chapel is now Her­itage list­ed along with the Robert Cza­ko mur­al. On dis­play will be The Angli­can Church Chapel, The Tree of Knowl­edge, and Robert Cza­ko mur­al. Josie Pet­rick will attend to pro­vide a brief back­ground for the mural.

2:00 PM — 3:30 PM: Doreen Braitling lec­ture with Bob Purvis @ Andy McNeill Room 

Wood­green, (Atartin­ga) Sta­tion. Rem­i­nis­cences of his­to­ry and her­itage in pas­toral­ism at Wood­green. Brief his­to­ry of moth­er Adela Purvis who was also a dri­ving force in estab­lish­ing the Nation­al Trust in the North­ern Ter­ri­to­ry. Intro­duc­to­ry Wel­come to Coun­try, his­to­ry of Doreen Braitling. 

3:30 Clos­ing com­ments for Her­itage Fes­ti­val and after­noon tea @ MCDS Branch

• Dai­ly Tele­graph Sta­tion his­toric precinct:

• Time: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM

• Then and Now pho­to exhi­bi­tion at the Tele­graph Sta­tion by Eugene Blom:

• Time: 9:00 AM — 4:00 PM (Pho­tos on dis­play all week)

Dai­ly open­ings, dis­plays or events — Make your own time to visit

Tues­day to Friday:

• Wom­en’s Muse­um of Aus­tralia at the Old Alice Springs Gaol:

• Time: 10:00 AM — 3:00 PM

Wednes­day to Sunday:

• Cen­tral Aus­tralian Avi­a­tion Museum:

• Time: 11:00 AM — 3:00 PM


• Trans­port Hall of Fame:

• Time: 9:00 AM — 3:00 PM

• Spe­cial events: Check website

Mon­day, Tues­day, Thurs­day, Fri­day, Sat­ur­day, Mar­ket Sunday:

• Ade­laide House Her­itage Museum:

• Time: 10:00 AM — 1:00 PM

• Infor­ma­tion: John Fly­n­n’s Aus­tralian Inland Mis­sion, Architect

Mon­day to Friday:

• Hart­ley St School Muse­um and Stu­art Town Gaol (Nation­al Trust McDouall Stu­art Branch):

• Time: 10:30 AM — 2:30 PM