Community Calendar

Birth and Beyond Summer Play Program - The Tigger Movie (2000 rated G) at Alice Springs Cinema

Feb 5th 2025, 10:00am - 11:30am
Alice Springs Cinema
Contact Details:
Bridget Myles

Birth and Beyond Parent Resource Centre are bringing the fun this summer holidays with our Summer Play Program.

Proud­ly sup­port­ed by The Alice Springs Town Coun­cil’s Com­mu­ni­ty Events grant, join us in cel­e­brat­ing the end of school hol­i­days and the sum­mer break by enjoy­ing a free movie at The Alice Springs Cinema.

The Tig­ger Movie (2000, rat­ed G) is per­fect for babies first movie expe­ri­ence and tod­dlers will love watch­ing Tig­ger and his 100 Acre Woods friends bounce and sing through­out the film. With its colours and songs it’s the type of movie that’s super fun but not too sto­ry dri­ven so your lit­tle ones can fol­low it and enjoy their movie experience.

Ses­sion will run sim­i­lar to a babes in arms” movie ses­sion that the Alice Springs Cin­e­ma fre­quent­ly run with low­ered lights. There will be space to park your pram at the front of the cin­e­ma, near the screen.

Seats are lim­it­ed, book­ings are essen­tial. One tick­et must be booked for each indi­vid­ual (tod­dlers and babies includ­ed) and proof of book­ing will be required at entry to the cinema.

In order to sup­port our local cin­e­ma, please fol­low their rules about not bring­ing exter­nal food or drinks in to the venue (water bot­tles, breast milk, and for­mu­la are the excep­tions) and check out all their can­dy bar snacks and refreshments.