Community Surveys

Alice Springs Town Council Greening Strategy

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is cur­rent­ly in the process of work­ing with con­sul­tants O2LA, to pro­duce the Alice Springs Green­ing Strat­e­gy and Action Plan. We’ve heard your calls for a green town with shad­ed areas for walk­ing, play­ing and social­is­ing. We’re work­ing on a plan, so come have your say and be part of green­ing Alice Springs.

The Green­ing Strat­e­gy is a 25-year road map that aims to increase pub­lic canopy cov­er in Alice Springs from the cur­rent 15% to 25%. It iden­ti­fies bar­ri­ers and rec­om­mends solu­tions regard­ing gov­er­nance, finance and tech­ni­cal considerations. 

On 12 – 13 Novem­ber 2023, the team held a series of Com­mu­ni­ty Con­sul­ta­tion infor­ma­tion ses­sions to hear what you had to say. Based on this con­sul­ta­tion, Coun­cil has pro­duced a draft Green­ing Strat­e­gy plan— now we need your feed­back before we get to work imple­ment­ing the plan.

We’re seek­ing your feed­back in this sec­ond round of Com­mu­ni­ty Con­sul­ta­tion.

> Read the Green­ing Strat­e­gy draft doc­u­ment here.

Have some thoughts or feed­back? You can share them in-per­­son or online.


Come along to the in-per­­son con­sul­ta­tion ses­sion:

Mon­day 22 April | 6pm | Andy McNeill Room, Alice Springs Civic Cen­tre, 93 Todd St.


Fill out our online survey

Key Objec­tives of the Alice Springs Green­ing Strategy:

  • Enjoy enhanced ameni­ty and nat­ur­al beau­ty through­out the town
  • Improve shade through­out the town with more trees
  • Low­er​‘heat island effects’ through increased over­all con­nect­ed tree canopy cover
  • Source trees sustainably
  • Imple­ment and main­tain all new trees with enhanced plant­i­ng guidelines

We have pro­duced a draft Green­ing Strat­e­gy, but want your feed­back before the doc­u­ment is finalised. Please read through the doc­u­ment and pro­vide your feed­back via our short sur­vey.
