
Plant Operator

Contact: Bryce Shannon - 0407390188
Salary: Level 8.1(ME) $77,647.83 p/a exclu­sive of super­an­nu­a­tion plus dis­trict allowance 

Permanent Full-time

  • Peak local Coun­cil and com­mu­ni­ty leader for Cen­tral Australia
  • Part of a dynam­ic and future focussed community
  • Key role sup­port­ing the smart and effi­cient run­ning of Council

The posi­tion will remain open until a suit­able can­di­date is iden­ti­fied. To max­imise your chances of con­sid­er­a­tion, we encour­age qual­i­fied indi­vid­u­als to sub­mit their appli­ca­tion as soon as pos­si­ble, appli­ca­tions will be con­sid­ered on submission.

About Alice Springs Town Council

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is con­sid­ered to be the heart and soul of Cen­tral Aus­tralia, fond­ly known as the Red Cen­tre. Our Vision is of a brighter future, a pros­per­ous and cohe­sive community.

The Oppor­tu­ni­ty

We seek a Plant Oper­a­tor who will Exca­vate, rein­state and exhume bur­ial plots at Council’s ceme­ter­ies, assist with gar­den main­te­nance of the ceme­ter­ies as well as per­form­ing plant oper­a­tions duties as required for the gen­er­al main­te­nance of Coun­cil facilities.

Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will include gen­er­al exca­va­tion, rein­state­ment and exhuma­tion of bur­ial plots, oper­ate and main­tain plant and equip­ment includ­ing back­hoe to a safe and
com­pe­tent stan­dard and iden­ti­fy nec­es­sary repairs, assist with gar­den main­te­nance of the ceme­ter­ies, includ­ing the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion, removal and erad­i­ca­tion of weeds, pests and dis­eases through the effec­tive use of pes­ti­cides and herbicides.

What will you get from join­ing the team?

  • Attrac­tive salary of $77,647.83 p/​a plus dis­trict allowance 
  • 6 weeks annu­al leave with addi­tion­al gen­er­ous leave entitlements.