
Machinery Operator - Regional Waste Management Facility

Closes: Nov 18, 2024, 12:00am
Contact: Connor Jones - 08 8950 4341
Salary: Level 7.1 (ME) $ 44. 88 per hour, plus district allowance - $ 2611 w/dependents, $1498 w/o dependents

Casual position

  • Peak local Coun­cil and com­mu­ni­ty leader for Cen­tral Australia
  • Part of a dynam­ic and future focussed community
  • Key role sup­port­ing the smart and effi­cient run­ning of Council

About Alice Springs Town Council

Alice Springs Town Coun­cil is locat­ed in the heart and soul of Cen­tral Aus­tralia, fond­ly known as the Red Cen­tre. Our Vision is of a brighter future, a pros­per­ous and cohe­sive community.

The Oppor­tu­ni­ty

We seek a Machin­ery Oper­a­tor for the Region­al Waste Man­age­ment facil­i­ty to oper­ate machin­ery includ­ing a water truck, com­pactor, front-end loader, exca­va­tor, and hook bin truck at the Council’s Region­al Waste Man­age­ment Facil­i­ty (WMF) on a casu­al basis and 7‑day rotat­ing roster.

Your respon­si­bil­i­ties will include Oper­at­ing the tip truck, water truck, front-end loader, and oth­er machin­ery, assist­ing in the con­ver­sion of green waste to mulch, and main­tain­ing equip­ment to include dai­ly pre-oper­a­tion checks and per­form­ing minor repairs, etc.

What will you get from join­ing the team?

  • Attrac­tive salary Lev­el ME 7.1 which equates to $44.88 / hour incl. casu­al load­ing pro rata, plus a dis­trict allowance of $1,498 non-depen­dent or $2,611 depen­dent rate.