Community Calendar

Time Tease

Apr 5th 2025, 7:00am - 8:30am
River Trail - Opposite Double Tree Hilton 82 Barrett Drive Alice Springs
$10 Adult Members, FREE Junior Members, $15 Adult Non-Members, $5 Junior Non-Members
Contact Details:
Alice Springs Running & Walking Club

“What is Time Tease?” I hear you ask.

Time Tease

Apr 5th 2025, 7:00am - 8:30am

“What is Time Tease?” I hear you ask.

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Do you know the time that it takes you to run or walk a 5.00km? Are you as reg­u­lar as clock-work with this? Then you might be the champ we are look­ing for.

When you reg­is­ter for this fun event, you will record the time you expect to com­plete the 5.00km event in, par­tic­i­pate with­out your activ­i­ty track­er (that is right no watch, phone or oth­er gad­get), com­plete the dis­tance, the person’s whose time is clos­est to the one they record­ed at reg­is­tra­tion wins.

There are prizes of course too. Great fun and an activ­i­ty for all? Come on, what are you wait­ing for? You know you want to do it.