Community Calendar

Library Bag Design Competition

Dec 6th - Feb 9th 2025
Alice Springs Public Library
Contact Details:

Call­ing all artists! Cap­ture the essence of Alice Springs through your unique bag design. Let your cre­ativ­i­ty paint the colours of this remark­able town on our bags. Dive into the heart of Alice Springs and show­case its beau­ty through your art!

The Library Team will choose the win­ners of the fol­low­ing age categories: 

0 – 6 

7 – 12 

13 – 17 


The designs will be judged with the fol­low­ing criteria: 

• Unique­ly Alice Springs

• Orig­i­nal­i­ty

• Inspi­ra­tional

Sub­mit your art­work to this email: library@​astc.​nt.​gov.​au

With the sub­ject line: Bag Design Com­pe­ti­tion” along with your name and age in the text body.

Each file must be sub­mit­ted in .JPG .PNG or .PDF for­mat and can­not exceed 10 MB in size.

Designs must be orig­i­nal can be dig­i­tal, drawn or paint­ed works. The library has scan­ning facil­i­ties if your design needs to be scanned. Hard­copies of tem­plates are avail­able at the library. 

By sub­mit­ting your work, you give per­mis­sion for the Alice Springs Town Coun­cil to use the designs on var­i­ous projects such as adver­tis­ing, mar­ket­ing, mer­chan­dise and web­site display. 

Sub­mis­sions Ends: Sun­day 9th Feb­ru­ary 2024 at 11:59pm

Win­ners Announced on Library Lover’s Day, Wednes­day 14th Feb­ru­ary at 5pm